Duna na na na BATMAN

Good afternoon my fellow nail polish lovers, so now that we are officially in October it is time for the Halloween manicures to overwhelm the blogging world and our Instagram feeds. I am a huge lover of all things that go bump in the night and this is one of my favourite times of year, I'm also a huge comic book lover. Love all things Marvel, but the caped crusader definitely holds a small place in my heart.

Now not only is it Halloween month it is also Breast cancer awareness month, this is a great cause and is quite personal for me as my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. Thankfully she beat it and has now been cancer free for just over three years. This is a horrible disease that affects many women all over the world so the more that can be done to try and find a cure the better. My fellow nail blogger Claire over at Penny for them UK recently did a fantastic post which you can find here. There has also been a link-up set up for anyone who wants to contribute their pink manicures in order to raise awareness and support the cause in the best way us nail polish addicts know how. The link-up can be found here on my friend Becca's blog and the more pink mani's that can be added the better.

So in order to honour both themes for my first manicure of the month I have done a Pink Batman manicure, this way there was no need to choose between the two. Batman fights to clean up the streets of Gotham and Breast cancer awareness helps us fight to beat the horrible disease that affects way too many women in this world.
For this manicure I used my Twinkled T Batman nail vinyls, I purchased these recently and they come with a variety of designs to choose from. Unfortunately I can't seem to find them on their website at the moment, but they worked very well and I'm very pleased with the quality and how easy they are to use. You can use them as stencils and paint inside the design or use them as a decal and seal them in with a good top coat. 
The colours I used were OPI's kiss me I'm Brazilian which is my favourite pink that I own, I received this in a Nailbox a few months ago. I love everything about this pink the formula is really good and the colour is a great shade. The other colour that I choose was Orly's Liquid Vinyl which I picked up in my recent Fragrance Direct haul, if you would like to see the other goodies I purchased in that haul you can find it here.
My idea was to create a half moon mani except on my ring finger which would be my accent nail, I wanted both colours to stand out and not have one overpower the other. First I applied my base colour which was OPI's kiss me I'm Brazilian and waited at least 10 minutes after applying my top coat to make sure it was fully dry. This was my first time trying to do a half moon manicure and it didn't exactly go to plan, to cover the bottom part of my nail I used some french manicure tip guides. I was hoping this would give me a smooth edge when removed and a good curve. This did work for some of my nails but some others I don't think it was stuck down as well as it should have been and I got more of a straight line rather than a curve. 
Once the french tips were applied I painted over the rest of the nail with liquid vinyl, I then removed the stickers while the polish was still wet to try and get as crisp a line as possible. For my accent nail I used the batman symbol from my Twinkled T nail vinyls as a decal, I then sealed this in with two coats of Seche Vite and top coated the rest of my nails once dry. 
So there we have it my batman manicure for breast cancer awareness month, it's not perfect and I would have preferred it if it had turned out a bit more crisp and I had put the bat symbol the other way around. But practice makes perfect and hopefully I will learn from those small mistakes and my future half moon manicures will be better. 

I'm sure this wont be the last batman manicure you see from me and I know there will be plenty more pink manicures this month. I hope you have enjoyed this little post and you go and add your pink manicures to the link-up, ill be popping this mani in there after I'm finished.

As always I hope everyone is having a great nail day, I would love to see some of your batman manicures and half moon mani's. Feedback is always highly appreciated and if you have any tips or tricks to help me improve please leave a comment. Hope to see you all in the next post and that your all having a relaxing Saturday afternoon, speak soon. 

Coming up: Swatches of a Halloween Indie polish


  1. Love these! They're perfect for both Breast Cancer Awareness & Halloween. I have trouble with vinyls sticking properly, I normally use a pair of tweezers and push them down the side of my nail to make sure the edges are stuck properly and dont peel up :) not sure if that makes sense but it helps me! x

    1. Thanks hun i must use the tweezers next time :) thanks for the tip x


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