HPB Presents Watermelon Gradient

Hello my lovely readers! Today's post includes an InLinkz link up with the lovely people from Hobby Polish Bloggers, this is a Facebook page I recently joined for nail polish bloggers. There are some lovely ladies on there and they are always willing to give out helpful hints and tricks to help you improve your blog. Each month they come up with a theme for a link-up that anyone in the group can participate in, for January the theme is gradients. Luckily there was a gradient manicure I had been meaning to do for some time, so lets get into my Watermelon Gradient mani.

I was inspired by Kelli Marissa from Youtube, she was previously called The Nail polish Challenge and creates fantastic nail art tutorials that are easy to follow and super cute. For this manicure I chose to use Cassella Limitless as my white base, I received this white creme in my first ever Meebox last September. This is opaque in 2 coats and has a great formula, it creates the perfect base for any gradient. Then for the two pink colours in the gradient I used Barry M Pink Punch and Barry M Speed Demon, then I used the white again for the tip of my nail.

After my gradient was opaque enough and dry I added a layer of top coat so that it would even it out and not smudge when I wanted to add the details of my watermelon.

Once the top coat was dry I used Essie's Vices Versa to add the french the green skin of the watermelon, I didn't have any french tip guides on hand so I had to do this by eye. After that was dry I used my small dotting tool to add 3 black seeds. First I put a dot of black polish and then dragged this out a little bit to make it more of a seed shape.

So there we have it my watermelon gradient mani, I am really happy with how this turned out and even my boyfriend said they look yummy. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and are having a fab nail day and a good weekend, plenty more nail art to come and some nail stamping plate reviews. Chat to you all again soon.

Make sure you go check out all the other Hobby Polish Bloggers mani's, there are some amazing mani's and each one of the lovely ladies are fabulous. If your a nail polish blogger come on over and join us, it is a great group full of some great people.


  1. Love these! So cute and they look exactly like watermelon slices! I may have to try this myself in the future x

    1. Thank you Hun :) they would look great on your nails I'm sure x

  2. How fun! This mani makes me wish for summer!!

    1. I know me too :) and makes me want some watermelon lol glad you liked them Hun x

  3. Really like this gradient!!! So nice to think about water melon and hot summer during these cold winter days!

    1. Thanks hun :) I know it is nice to think of summer right now. Blooming freezing at the moment lol x

  4. Love a good watermelon nail! Good choice!

  5. Replies
    1. They weren't as hard as I first thought they would be :) look forward to seeing yours in the summer x

  6. AreriXmons_ni1990 Wewere Tucson software


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