Born Pretty Store Stamping polish 7-13 Review and Swatches Part 2

Hello my lovely readers, I hope you are all having a lovely weekend I don't have much planned this weekend as Lexi is suffering from a bad cold at the moment. So the plan is to stay inside and keep her warm, I have been having a few bad night sleep as she can't breath through her nose very well so I have made sure I have plenty of tea bags and sugar to keep me going through out the day. In my last post I showed you the first 6 gorgeous stamping polishes from the Born Pretty Store, today I have polishes 7 to 13 to share with you.

All swatches are over black and white using the Uber Chic collection 3 plate 3 for the images, I love that Born Pretty have brought out so many colours in there stamping line. 

This gorgeous deep blue is absolutely stunning, it is opaque over black and white and considering it is quite a dark blue is very vivid over the black. I am so happy this stamps over the black as I do not have another blue stamping polish that will show up over dark colours. 

This beautiful light purple shows up over both but is not as vivid as I would have liked over the black, I think if I chose a larger image with less detail it may have been a bit better. It is still a lovely shade of purple and looks gorgeous. I have actually used this one for a manicure which will be posted shortly and it is really pretty and stamps so well.

This stunning sky blue is opaque over both black and white and is so pretty, this is the sort of colour I will be using around Easter and in the spring as it has that beautiful pastel quality to it that works so well at that time of year. 

This pumpkin orange is so pretty it stamps well over both colours, this will be a fantastic polish to have for Halloween and would work well on a bright Summer mani. 

This one is rather odd when I first looked at the bottle it had looked a lot lighter than when it is actually stamped on the nail. It is opaque over both black and white and would look lovely if you wanted some dark pink Valentine's hearts.

I was so happy to see they had a beautiful grass green stamping polish in their collection, this is opaque over both the white and black and will come in handy for so many different manicures. After seeing how cute this strawberry stamping image is I can see a fun summery strawberry manicure in my future. 

Unfortunately this maroon polish didn't stamp as opaque as I would like over the black but looks lovely over the white. Can't get over how adorable this ladybird stamping image is, ever since I was little I have always called them ladybugs (sounds cuter to me) I can't wait to have these little guys crawling across my nails in a future mani. 

So there we have it my wonderful readers that is part 2 of the review and swatches for the Born Pretty Store stamping polishes. I hope you have enjoyed this post and are all having a fab nail day, part 3 will be posted shortly and then play time! I can not wait to see how many colourful mani's I can now create with these in my stamping collection. Chat to you all again soon. 


  1. I think I need that baby blue! Loving how it actually shows up over black! Amazing post as always x


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