Deadpool Nails using Sebastian from Christina Marie Handmade UK

Hello my lovely readers! I hope all of you had a great weekend, I am happy to say that on Friday night I finally watched the new Deadpool movie. You may not know this about me but I am a huge Marvel comic book fan, so I was thrilled to see they were finally making a Deadpool movie. The movie did not disappoint at all it lived up to all my expectations, and Ryan Reynolds is the perfect actor for the roll. If you have not gone to see this movie yet I would highly recommend it, even if your not into comic books it is still a fabulous movie. I was laughing pretty much the whole time I was in the cinema, it is a great mixture of action, comedy, romance and just pure Deadpool madness.

Before me and my boyfriend went off to the Cinema I wanted to make sure my nails looked the part, so I created this mani. These Deadpool nails were really easy to create; all that was needed is a red base colour, a black polish for the half moon nails and his mask along with some paper reinforcement stickers to create the curve for the half moon and a dotting tool.

For my red base I used this beautiful polish by Christina Marie called Sebastian, I received this polish in my recent polish swap with Becca from A certain Becca Nails. I have never actually used this brand of nail polish before, it is a lovely red creme with some gold shimmer, unfortunately the shimmer doesn't show up on the nail as much as I would like. This polish takes 3 coats to be opaque and is quite sheer, it builds up well and just needs that final third coat to even things out. I do have some more polishes from this indie brand so I will do a full review once I get to swatch them. 

Once Sebastian was top coated and fully dry I used my paper reinforcements to create the half moon shape on my nail and painted the black over top. I pulled the reinforcement off of the nail before the polish had time to fully dry so I would get crisp lines. Then for his face I used my large dotting tool to create two oval shapes and then a smaller dotting tool to create the cats eye shape with some white polish. 

I am quite pleased with how this turned out, its simple yet effective. I hope you have enjoyed this short post, as always have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to you all again soon.


  1. Love these! I wanna recreate them and go and watch Deadpool again - such a funny film :) x

    1. Thanks hun, it is such a good film isn't it :D I could not stop laughing the whole time x


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