For Your Nails Only Cuticle Balm- Test and Review

Hello my lovely readers! I hope you have all had a great week I lost a filling yesterday so had an emergency trip to the dentist, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined so that was a huge plus. As you may or may not know I am always having a lot of trouble keeping my cuticles moist and in good condition due to all the medication I am on for my various chronic illnesses. So a few weeks ago when the lovely Sharon from For Your Nails Only was asking for some people to try out her new organic cuticle balm I jumped at the chance. Today's post is going to be a quick review of how I got on with the product, so lets jump right into it.

When I first received the cuticle balm I did a patch test as was suggested by Sharon just to make sure I wasn't allergic to any of the ingredients she had used. As I said this is a organic cuticle balm so all of the ingredients used are 100% organic and natural. The ingredients Sharon put into this cuticle balm are:
  • Pure Natural Refined Beeswax
  • Raw Unrefined Organic 100% pure and natural Shea Butter
  • 100% pure coconut oil
  • Pure natural Vitamin E
  • Pure & Natural Lavender

When I opened my pot of balm the first thing I noticed was that the texture was a lot like the Burt's Bees cuticle butter. The picture above is after I have been using it for the last two weeks, as you can see there is plenty left and a little definitely goes a long way. Once it was opened I could smell the lovely scent of lavender and a slight hint of honey. The beeswax in here definitely tones down that lavender smell so it is not overpowering. 

To apply the balm I picked up a small bit on one of my fingers and proceeded to rub this into my cuticles on the other hand. When it first goes on it feels very much like the Burt's Bees cuticle butter, once rubbed into the cuticle it leaves them moisturised and soft. There is no greasy residue left behind and it soaks into the skin within a few minutes so it can be used on the go. My cuticles have never looked better since I have been using this in the morning and just before I go to bed. The only issue I would have is that the pot could be a little bit wider as I do find that when I am trying to get some onto my finger it can sometimes get underneath the tip of my nail. 

Overall I am highly impressed with this product, it has done my cuticles the world of good. I am really happy to announce that Sharon has brought more supplies and will hopefully begin selling this balm through her social media platforms. For Your Nails Only is a blog on Facebook, she does gorgeous manicures and great reviews She is also on Instagram and Twitter I will leave all the links to Sharon's social media below. Be sure to check out her pages and keep a close eye out for this amazing cuticle balm going on sale soon. 

For Your Nails Only: Facebook| Instagram| Twitter

As always I hope you have enjoyed this post and are all having a fabulous nail day, hope to see all you lovely people in the next post. 


  1. Great post, I've been loving this balm! So gentle and soothing x

    1. Thanks hun it is fab, I love the scent so much better than the normal lemon from burts bees :) x

  2. Your nails really looks good, i must admit i'm lazy to use cuticle oil and as a beauty blogger myself i must make it a priority.

    1. Thank you :) I didn't use to use it as much as I should but this winter has been murder on my skin. I leave my pot on my bedside table so I don't forget to use it when I get up and go to bed x

  3. You had me at lavender. Seriously though, this looks amazing, I'd love to try it!

    1. You defintely should it is fantastic and smells so good. It should be up for sale soon hun Sharon is working on getting it ready to be sold over her social media :) x

  4. Thanks for a good review! I think this sounds really interesting as I'm always looking for good cuticle products.

    1. Thanks hun it really is so good Sharon has it up for sale now on her Facebook page :) x

  5. Very nice review. Ur nails looking good. M using burt bee now a days. Wanna try SH.

    1. Thank you :) I do like the burts bees but this one just smells so good and does such a good job at keeping the cuticle moistudised x

  6. Great review! I prefer cuticle butter to cuticle oil.

    1. Me too hun it seems to do a much better job, less greasy and last's longer :) x


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