Nail Swap with Becca from A Certain Becca Nails

Hello my lovely readers! Today's post is a highly anticipated post for me to write, last year I met the lovely Becca from A Certain Becca Nails through the Facebook nail page. Ever since that day we have literally spoken every day and got to know each other really well, even though we have never met face to face I really do consider her a really close friend. For quite a few months now we have been talking about doing a swap just between us, and last month we finally got all the bits and pieces together and sent our parcels on their long journey's. Once mine arrived and I had the green light from Becca to open it I dove into my amazing parcel and picked out all the amazing goodies she brought me.

When I opened my box of goodies I was greeted by packing peanuts, tons of bubble wrap and some really cool pineapple and minion wrapping paper. Each polish was wrapped so well there was no chance of any breakages, she really went above and beyond I loved the little extra bits she included for Lexi the sweets and batman key rings didn't manage to get into a photo as my boyfriend stole them. I really don't want this post to be too long so lets dive into the goodies. 

First up are four gorgeous China Glaze polishes, she really is helping me expand my China Glaze collection and all of these colours are stunning. From Left to Right:
  • Cowardly Lyin'- A yellowy gold frosty polish with tons of gold micro glitter.
  • Sunday Funday- Sky blue creme
  • City Siren- Deep red creme 
  • Entourage- Lime green creme with green shimmer
All of these are stunning and I can not wait to swatch these and wear those beautiful bright colours over the summer. 

She also put in two China Glaze cuticle oils, I never even knew China Glaze made cuticle oil but these smell amazing. The scents she put in are Peppermint and Holiday Berry, they both smell so good and remind me so much of Christmas. 

Next up are four pastel Sinful colours and one bright, I have never actually tried this brand before so I am looking forward to see what the formula is like. I am hoping to use the four pastel polishes in a spring themed manicure shortly. From Left to Right:
  • Daredevil- Neon pink with blue shimmer
  • Sweet Tooth- Pastel lilac creme
  • Orange Cream- Pastel orange creme
  • Cotton Candy- Pastel pink creme
  • Sugar Rush- Pastel blue creme

I was thrilled to see this Essie gift set called Glow get 'em, this is a neon set with a white base coat to intensify the other 3 polishes. I can not wait to rock these neon's throughout the summer. From Left to Right:
  • Blanc- White creme polish to make the neon's pop
  • Sittin' Pretty- Rich lavender creme
  • Vices Versa- Neon lime green creme
  • Serial Shopper- Neon orange creme

These four polishes are from a indie seller on Etsy called Christina Marie Handmade, I had never heard of this brand before and the two middle polishes are prototypes, the light pink with bright pink and white glitters is stunning and I can not wait to try that one. The other prototype is a holographic glitter topper, I don't think you could get this fully opaque but it does add such a lovely holographic effect to any polish it is placed over. The best way to describe this one is China Glaze fairy dust but slightly larger glitters. The other two polishes are called Purple rain and Sebastian, I used Sebastian recently for my Deadpool manicure, it is opaque in 3 coats and quite sheer but does build up well. Purple rain is a purple creme with a slight blue shimmer. I will be doing a full swatch and review on all four of these polishes shortly. 

The next 3 polishes I came upon were these beautiful Ciate's, the gold foil polish is called Gold Digga', this literally looks like liquid gold so I am looking forward to seeing what that looks like on the nail. The middle polish is called Showgirl and is a jam packed pink glitter polish, I think this will look fabulous as a accent nail paired with Plastic Fantastic which is the polish on the left hand side. this is a dark pink creme, it looks quite think so I am hoping for full opacity in one coat. 

Once I unwrapped the next pressie in my large box I began jumping up and down, the amazing Becca had sent me a Minion nail art set, this will definitely help me create more minion nails in the future. Within the set is a yellow, blue and black creme polish with Bob, Stuart and Kevin. It also has a minion nail file and some minion nail stickers. Plenty of minion goodness to keep me busy. 

The final two mainstream nail polishes Becca supplied me are Nails Inc, the red creme is called Ayelsford Street and the dark navy creme gel effect polish is called Old Burlington Street. I have never had an issue with Nails Inc formula so I am sure these will swatch very well on the nail, they might even feature in a British flag manicure in the near future. 

As if all of that was not enough when Becca was recently in America she picked me up this amazing very high on my wish list Frenzy polish, this beauty is called If the Apocalypse Comes Beep Me. The minute I saw that this had been released it was a must have for me, ever since the age of 13 I have been and still am a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan. I won't be saying too much on this one here as this beauty will be getting its own post fully swatched on my nails and maybe accompanied with some nail art. This polish is a deep purple jelly with flakies and micro glitter, I think it is the perfect colour for a Buffy polish I can not say thank you enough for this one Becca. 

To put the icing on top of the cake she went out a brought my baby girl some toys and hair grips, this lovely thought brought a tear to my eye and is just more proof of what an amazing girl Becca is. Lexi loves her tiger and monkey puppets and she makes them have lots of conversations together everyday. The hair clips look adorable in her sandy blonde hair, and I am sure she is so happy that they have Joy on them from Inside Out which is one of her favourite movies. 

There are not enough words to express how grateful I am for all of these amazing goodies, she also got me a minty bracelet which I wear everyday. I really hope she loved the nail goodies I put together for her, Becca you are an awesome person and every day it seems like we have more and more in common. I am so happy we started talking and I hope we continue to do so for many years to come, after all us nail addicts need to stick together. 

I really hope you have all enjoyed seeing all the goodies that Becca sent to me I will leave a link here for you to go see all the loot I collected for her. We have both already agreed we will definitely be doing this again! As always I hope all you lovely people are having a fabulous nail day and chat to you all again soon.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad we did this swap, it may have taken us forever but that was half of the fun! You're welcome for everything lovely, so is Lexi (and Jamie lol!) x

    1. Thank you huni we all love everything :) I'm already seeing more stuff I want to send you lol x

  2. Great post, both of you are lucky girls with lots of goodies to play with :-)

    1. We really are :D so many ideas for all of these amazing goodies :) x

  3. Oh wow so much stuff! You are right lucky to have Becca in your life. <3

  4. Replies
    1. I know will keep me going to a long time :) x

    2. I know will keep me going to a long time :) x

  5. Ummmm I want a Becca in my life too! I would love to do a swap like this someday with someone! :)

    1. Everyone needs a becca :) it really was fun hun no downside to doing this swap at all :D x


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