Once Upon A Time 100th Episode Mani

Hello my lovely readers! Well today is Mothering Sunday so to all you yummy Mummy's out there I hope you have a great day and are spoiled rotten. I was originally going to do a special manicure for mothers day but then I remembered that today was also the air date for Once Upon A Time's 100th episode in America, so I decided to create a design for that instead. Once upon a time is a show that brings fairy tale characters into the modern day, it is an amazing show full of drama, romance, comedy and most importantly happy endings. You can watch every episode of Once Upon A Time on Netflix, and the newest episode will be added on Wednesday here in the UK. If you love fairy tale characters like Snow White, Prince Charming, Captain Hook and many more you should definitly check this show out. So lets get into my manicure for this special 100th episode.

Ok if you don't watch the show this manicure might not make much sense, so I will tell you a little bit about the story going on in the show right now without trying to spoil to much. Basically what the 100th episode and this half on the current season is about is going down to the Underworld to save Captain Hook. I don't want to spoil any of the plot for those who haven't seen the show so I won't say anymore. 

I had the idea for this manicure mapped out in my head for the last few weeks but it wouldn't look anywhere near as good without the Danglefoot's 'I have nothing to wear' jelly holographic polish. I recently found out that Hayley who makes the Danglefoot nail polishes has four linear jelly holographic polishes, the colours she stocks are yellow, purple, red and blue. This blue polish was just what I was looking for, it is light enough that it doesn't blend into the black and makes the manicure have that extra pop.

The first step for this manicure was to paint on a black base for this I used Orly Liquid Vinyl, this take two coats to become opaque. Then once that was top coated with my HK Girl quick dry top coat I used my Barry M silver nail art pen to write 'Save Hook' and to draw the hook onto my pinkie nail. Once that was dry I used my Uber Chic Out of Africa plate to stamp on the flames in white, for the Once upon A Time stamp I used Uber Chic's Fairy Tale plate and Born Pretty silver stamping polish. Then I used a small dotting tool with the Jelly holographic polish to paint over the white flames. I chose blue because the show is heading to the Underworld and blue is the colour of Hades hair. Once everything was dry I top coated everything and tidies up around my cuticles. 

There we have it my Once Upon a time mani, sorry this post is a bit wordy but I do hope you like my manicure for the 100th episode. If you are a fellow Oncer I hope this lives up to your expectations, and if your not I hope you like the design. 

As I mentioned Danglefoot sell these beautiful linear holographic jelly polishes in a set of four it is called the Sugar & Spice collection. They are lovely polishes and I will be doing a full review of all four colours with different types of nail art. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and you all are having a fabulous nail day, chat to you lovely people again soon.


  1. Absolutely love this, the blue flames pop off of the background so well! I definitely need to get back into Once Upon A Time :) x

    1. Thanks hun, you really should it is so good :) x

  2. I love these! I'm also a huge fan of Once Upon A Time

    1. Yay another Oncer :D thank you i'm really glad you liked it x

  3. I am a huge fan of Once Upon A Time, it's my favorite show ever. Can't wait for the next episode! Eeek!
    Awesome mani

    1. Thanks hun :) I just watched the 100th episode definitly didn't disappoint :D x

  4. I have not watched this yet, but my friend was just telling me about this show! :) Pretty blue!

    1. Thank you :) It is a fantastic show you should check it out some time, be warned it is addictive lol x


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