When Colours Collide- Yellow and Grey Theme

Hello my lovely readers! I hope you all had an awesome weekend, mine was quite uneventful but Monday and today have made up for that. I have received some epic nail mail and I still have plenty more due to come through out the rest of the week. I also recently purchased a DSLR camera that should be here in a few days; so I am hoping my blogs picture quality will improve to top off the amazing icing on the cake I also found out today that I won the Meebox mani challenge so I get a free Meebox (woop woop). Today's post is another When Colours Collide post, this is a Facebook group that set bi-weekly nail challenges mixing different colours from the rainbow. This months theme is yellow and grey, at first I couldn't actually come up with anything my mind went totally blank. In the end this is the manicure I decided to go with, hope you like it.

I am quite pleased with how this turned out, I would have preferred it if the stars were a little bit smaller but I do love the wolf howling at the moon. 

The first step was to chose my grey base colour, in the end I went for this Crabtree & Evelyn Mica, this is a charcoal grey creme. This is opaque in 2 coats and applies smoothly without any brush stroke marks. I received this polish in Decembers Meebox and I hadn't had chance to use it, I was impressed with the formula and it was the perfect tone of grey for the manicure I had in mind. 

Once that was top coated and dry, I used my dotting tool for the yellow dots that were suppose to look like stars. Then for my accent nail I placed a french tip nail vinyl by my cuticle and then used my yellow Born Pretty store stamping polish to paint in the rest of my nail to create the moon. 

Once my moon was top coated and dry I picked out Born Pretty stamping plate number 16 and the Born Pretty store black stamping polish for my wolf. I used my clear jelly stamper also from the Born Pretty store to stamp him on the bottom of my nail. 

Considering I started this challenge not knowing what I was going to do for this theme I am quite pleased with how my wolf mani turned out. As I have previously mentioned this group is open to all nail addicts, and they come up with a different theme every 2 weeks. I love the challenge of coming up with ideas and putting certain colours together that you wouldn't have thought would look good. 

Here is the full collage of all the manicures that were created for the yellow and grey theme. There are some fabulous designs for this one and some amazing ladies who created them. Head on over to the When Colours Collide Facebook page and join us for the next theme which will be Red and Black.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I would love to know your thoughts on my wolf mani, also have you ever thought of putting these two colours together, if so I would love to see your yellow and grey mani's. I hope you are all having a fab nail day and chat to you all again soon, some awesome posts coming up!


  1. Love this! Such a creative mani. I'm a bit gutted that I never got round to my faded bumble bee, I might have to do it anyway lol! :) x

    1. Lol you so should! Got to love a good faded bumble bee lol x

  2. Love the accent nail with the wolf!

  3. Oh my gosh, these two colors together as nail art is perfect. The wolf is such a great stamp!

    1. I know right, i was so suprised with how well these two went together. :) x

  4. I absolutely love that wolf stamp! I might just have to buy the plate.

    1. It is really good and picked up perfectly first time :) x

  5. I love yellow and grey together! In fact, it's the color scheme of my guest bath. :o)


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