Barry M Molten Metals- Swatch & Review

Hello my lovely readers! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I need to say a big thank you to all of those who joined in with the M.E & Fibromyalgia awareness mani link-up, and a Big congratulations to Jen who won the custom polishes made by Opulent Essences. Thank you for all your lovely comments and good vibes, it's lovely to know there are so many people out there who care. So today's post is going to be a swatch and review for the brand new Barry M's that were released in the last weeks. The collection I have for you today is the Molten Metals.

These are four chrome effect polishes, with some gorgeous glitter mixed in for that extra bit of bling. I am not always a big fan of metallic polishes but these are really nice. Great formula for all four polishes and very eye catching especially when out in the sun.

The first polish is this beautiful light gold metallic called Gold Digger, this is fully opaque in 2 coats and has some gorgeous glitters in the same colour that make is shine even more. 

The next polish is called Bronze Bae, this is a bronze metallic with the same coloured glitters spread throughout. I am never keen with these orangey tones polishes against my skin, but this one didn't seem to wash me out like others do. This is also fully opaque in 2 coats. 

The third polish in the collection is called Copper Mine, this is the exact same colour as a 1 pence piece. This also has some lovely glitters spread through out to give it that extra sparkle, it was opaque in 2 coats and had an easy to apply formula.

The last polish in the collection is this beautiful silver metallic called Silver Lining, this is by far my favourite. I love the colour silver I always feel gold tones are too harsh on my skin, all of my jewellery is silver so I was definitely a big fan of this one. This was also opaque in 2 coats,and had an easy to apply formula.

As you can see all of these polishes do stamp however they are much more opaque when over a darker colour. Gold digger is hardly visible when over a white or light colour, the rest are but not as opaque as there foil line was. If I were to use these for stamping it would definitely be over a darker base colour. 

All four of these polishes apply really well and even though they have micro glitters mixed in they remove easily from the nail. None of these polishes leave any staining and have that easy to work with formula that Barry M are well known for. These do have the wider paddle type brush, I find this a lot easier to work with and can cover the nail in almost one stroke. I know this brush isn't for everyone, so just be aware if you do get them it will be a wider brush instead of a thin one. 

You can pick all four of these polishes up from Superdrug and Boots for £3.99, it is definitely a must have collection for those of us who love that foil metallic looking finish and who love using these for stamping. 

I hope you have all enjoyed this review and I would love to know which polish is your favourite? Will you be picking this collection up? Let me know in the comments section down below, as always I hope you are all having a fabulous nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon.


  1. Your favorite shade is also mine. Deep silvers are so nice.

  2. Gorgeous swatches, all of these really suit you! I'm quite impressed how they stamp over black too :) x

  3. I love these kind of foil metallics! Nice that they stamp, too.

    1. Yes I was really happy to see how they stamped :) x

  4. Bronze Bae is my favourite! Such a shame we don't get Barry M over here.

    1. It is a beautiful bronze :) Barry m do definitly come out with some gorgeous polishes x

  5. These look really pretty!

  6. Loved gold metallic. Nice post

    1. Thanks hun :) I like that it's a lighter gold x

  7. Great review hun. Copper mine is my favourite.

  8. Nice polishes. ..I loved how they showed up on black

    1. Yes I was super happy to see how they stamped on black x

  9. They are beautiful a great collection to pick up :) x


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