Danglefoot Nail Polish Once Upon A Time Duo Snow & Charming- Swatch & Review

Hello my lovely readers, I hope you all had a really great weekend and are enjoying all of this fabulous sun we have been having. Unfortunately I have woken up to a very drizzly Monday morning, but these beautiful limited edition Danglefoot polishes have definitely made my day a little brighter. For today's blog I will show you full swatches of this gorgeous Once Upon A Time duo.

This months duo is Snow and Charming, if you missed last months polishes you can find full swatches of Swan and Hook here. These limited edition duos are made by the lovely Hayley from Danglefoot nail polish, she has collaborated with different bloggers to create some beautiful polishes based off of the characters from the TV show Once Upon A Time. Last months polishes were a collaboration with myself and Hayley and this months duo was a collaboration with Hayley and SailorNails.

Snow is a beautiful white crelly with holographic glitter and green shimmer, the shimmer was so difficult to capture but it does show up on the nail. 

I do love this polish it takes 2 coats to be fully opaque although you might need 3 if you do thinner coats.

This is such a gorgeous polish perfect for the character Snow white, with the bottle shot you can see that beautiful green shift. This is a great polish if you are looking for a white that has a little extra sparkle. 

The second polish in the duo is called Charming, this is a gorgeous green turquoise creme with holographic glitters and silver flakies. 

Charming is fully opaque in 2 thin coats, you could even get away with 1 thick coat for this one. It is really pretty on the nail and a great colour for summer. 

It is such a pretty polish and has such an easy formula to work with, I would say out of the duo Charming would definitly be my favourite. Neither of these polishes left staining in my cuticles or on the nail. 

This duo is now completely sold out and the Danglefoot shop is closed whilst Hayley moves house. I would definitely recommend trying Danglefoot polish out if you haven't already, her polishes are fantastic and I have not come across a polish that I haven't been happy with so far. I will leave all the links to the Danglefoot Etsy shop down below and all of her social media too.

I hope you have enjoyed today's post, I would love to know which one out of the duo is your favorite? As always leave your comments down below I love reading them and thank you all so much for coming to my blog and joining me in my little nail polish world. 

Have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to all of you wonderful people again soon. 



  1. Gorgeous swatches as always! I wanna say Charming is my favourite but I am in love with the green flash in Snow! x

    1. Thanks hun :) it is so hard to choose isn't it x

  2. OMG I love this. I love these swatches and I am obsessed with Snow.

  3. Gorgeous duo!!!! Thanks for sharing! <3

  4. Charming is so pretty! Lovely swatches!

  5. I hadn't heard of this brand but both polishes are lovely!

    1. They are danglefoot are fab definitely a must try brand x

  6. The green is very pretty. The white reminds me too much of winter LOL

    1. yes white does make me think of snow the weather and the character lol x

  7. Charming is my favorite even though I don't tend to wear green.

  8. What a nice duo-- it's making me want to catch up on Once Upon A Time (I'm hopelessly behind) but I loooooved Snow and Charming! I'm seeing more of this brand around; am going to have to check them out!

    1. I love once this season was really good definitly watch it if you can :D x

  9. The shades are so gorgeous and elegant.. Love them <3

    1. Hayley did an amazing job with these two as always x

  10. These are really pretty! And I've actually never heard of this brand before, so thank you for introducing me!

    1. Your very welcome hun danglefoot is a fab UK indie x

  11. I love Once Upon a Time! I haven't really been up-to-date on this season. I've only seen halfway (just about) and I can't wait until it's on Netflix, so I can catch up! These are just so perfect and represent the characters well! <3

    1. I love once too :) they have all 5 seasons on Netflix now hun head over and catch up when you can x

  12. I love fairytale themes and these shades suit the theme perfectly!

    1. They do :) I am huge sucker for a fairytale x

  13. Pretty! I love the hint of glitter in each of them! :)

  14. Simply beautiful! Love snow

  15. Great swatches! These polishes are quite beautiful. :)

  16. Beautiful duo! Snow is ny favourite xx


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