Freckles Polish Gradient Manicure Using The Creme's Collection

Hello my lovely readers, I hope you have all had a great week so far. I am loving all of the Summer manicures floating around at the moment. Especially the beautiful gradients, I do love the effect of a gradient but not so much the clean up after. However once I had finished swatching the Freckles polish cremes collection I couldn't resist seeing how well they would blend together. Lets get straight into it!

For this paticular manicure I used Oh Boy, Parma Violets and Make The Boys Wink for my gradient base full swatches of these are in my previous post. These polishes blended so well together. I had to do about 3 layers to get the blend of colours I was happy with and to make sure they were opaque. I did put down a white base before sponging my gradient onto my nails. For this I used Color Club French Tip which is a lovely 1 coat white, great for nail art. I also had to add a little bit of glitter so I used China Glaze Fairy Dust to add that little bit of sparkle to the gradient 

For my stamping I used one of my new Fab Ur Nails plates Fun 14, I really loved the look of the girl letting the birds and flowers go and thought it would look pretty over the gradient. I love the way it works across all of the nails. 

I used my clear jelly stamper to make sure each image went in the right place, I was tempted to stamp white over each image to create a silhouette look. But I was happy with how the black looked by itself, once everything was dry I top coated all of my nails to seal the design in and make the holo glitters more prominent. 

I was so pleased with how well the Freckles Polish cremes blended, they were extremely each to use and created just the look I was going for. You can pick all of these polishes up from the Freckles Polish Etsy store. I will leave links to that and all of their social media down below. 

I have plenty more summer manicures to come so keep your eyes peeled for those, a huge American Haul is coming soon too. My lovely polish mule (also known as my Mum) will be bringing me home plenty of polish when she comes back from Kentucky later this month. I am so excited to see them all, lots of neons coming your way soon!

As always have a great nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon. 


  1. Gorgeous! The gradient is perfect, and I love your stamping! Definitely got me feeling summery :) x

  2. This is such an awesome manicure. I love how the story flows across all of the nails.

  3. I love gradients, and even more when they are stamped! Those colours are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you I loved how well they blended :) x

  4. These are too cute!!! The gradient is stunning and love the black stamping!! <3

  5. I absolutely adore this nail art! So pretty and magical!

  6. Such a gorgeous manicure! Your gradient and stamping are both flawless :)

    1. Thank you so much means loads to hear that :) x

  7. This is absolutely beautiful! Love the shades and the art,pure perfection!!!

  8. Love this! The base gradient is so delicate and pretty and the stamped images are adorable.

  9. Oh my goodness, what a CUTE manicure! Where did you buy that stamping plate? I just got a stamping kit and am kind of addicted now... :-P

    1. Lol it is very addictive :) I brought mine of a Facebook sale page but they sell fab ur nails plates on their website xx

  10. What a masterpiece! It's so complex and intriguing! <3

  11. Beautiful gradient! The stamping is so cute!

  12. PERFECT gradient and stamping! I adore the birds and the butterflies!

  13. I love this gradient and I love the sparkly topper!

    1. Thank you :) a bit of dairy dust always makes things even better :D x

  14. Pretty gradient mani! I've not heard of Freckles before looks like a cute brand though.

    1. They are so good definitely check them out hun :) x

  15. Beautiful, Loved the way it came out !

    1. Thank you I was really happy with the outcome x

  16. Wow... it's beautiful... the stamping is awesome

  17. Pastel gradients are my favorite! Gorgeous mani, hun!

  18. Wow this is so pretty hun x

  19. It's hard to believe that this gradient is from the same polish you posted earlier! This is gorgeous.

  20. Such a lovely gradient and brilliant stamping xx


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