Freckles Polish Ice Cream Mani

Hello my lovely readers! I hope you are all having a wonderful week, with it being a bank holiday I can't even tell what day it is at the moment. it always confuses me. Now that we are in June it is time to bust out the Summer clothes and flip flops, for my first Summery themed manicure I have used Freckles Polish cremes collection and a custom made polish to create a yummy melt in the mouth ice cream mani.

Good enough to eat right! The custom made crelly is amazing and the Freckles polish cremes worked perfectly for my dripping sauce.

I decided to call the custom crelly Vanilla Ice, this has a white creme base with very small black glitter to create the look of the vanilla seeds in the ice cream. This was fully opaque in 2 coats, it has a fabulous formula really easy to work with and builds up really well. 

For the sauce drips I used four of the pastel polishes from the Freckles Polish cremes collection, there will be full swatches of the whole six piece collection coming shortly. For the strawberry sauce I used 'Make The Boys Wink', which is a pastel pink creme.

For the Banana sauce on my middle nail I used 'Banana' which is a pastel yellow creme.

Then to create the mint flavored sauce I used 'Freshly Mint' which is a pastel mint creme polish.

For the last sauce which is Blueberry I used 'Oh Boy' a pastel blue creme.

To create this drippy effect I used a medium sized dotting tool and placed 3 dots at different points in the middle of the nail. The drop in the middle was lower than the 1st and 3rd one, I then dragged polish towards my cuticle and joined them up. This created the drippy look I was going for, you could always use some drip vinyls to create this look too. 

I will have full swatches of all of these gorgeous pastel cremes posted soon, they are all available now in the Freckles Polish Etsy Store, I will leave a link below along with all of their social media platforms. All of the Freckles polishes I have tried so far have fabulous formula and really easy to apply, I would definitly suggest checking them out, Julieann who owns Freckles Polish has loads of new collections coming soon and she has a sale going on right now to make room for all her new stock. So head on over now and pick yourself up a bargain! 

I  hope you like my ice cream mani, I am quite proud of this one and I had Ice Ice baby playing in my head while creating these (finally stopped singing shine bright like a diamond.) 

As always I would love to know your thoughts in the comments section below and what is your favorite ice cream flavor? Mine has to be strawberry! Have a great nail day and I will chat to all you lovely people again soon. 


  1. Crelly base is awesome. Drips are cute. Lovely mani.

    1. Thank you :) vanilla ice was perfect as my base julieann did a fab job x

  2. Crellies are my favorites! Love this!

    1. Thank you I have a soft spot in my heart for crellies too x

  3. Amazing mani! Definitely good enough to eat. I vote for strawberry too, especially in a McDonalds milkshake - yum! X

    1. Ooo yes strawberry milkshake all the way! Yummy yum yum x

  4. Such a cute idea! I love that you thought of sauce names too!

  5. would like to try this :-)

    1. Definitely give it a go hun it's so fun and great for a summer mani x

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you look forward to seeing your ice cream nails :) x

  7. Delicious! Now I want Ice-cream! Freckles' formula looks great - I haven't tried this brand, it's difficult to acquire UK indies. :)

    1. Thank you. Hopefully one day they will be more easily available world wide hun :) x

  8. What a cute idea! I love your crelly polish base, it reminds me of dragonfruit. Awesome mani!

    1. Oo I hadn't thought of that it would be great as Dragon fruit :) x


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