Nicole Diary Water Decal Mani Using Danglefoot Nail Polish Snow & Charming

*Press Sample*

Hello my lovely readers I hope you have all had a good week so far, the weather here has been absolutely crazy. One minute the sun is shining the next it is pouring down and you can hear clashes of thunder in the distance. So to try and brighten things up bring back those happy summer vibes I used some of the water decals that were recently sent to me by Nicole Diary in exchange for an honest review. This water decal worked so well with the Danglefoot Snow and Charming duo.

I used the water decal for my accent nail and it tied the whole manicure together really well.

The water decals or nail water stickers were extremely easy to use, it had very clear instruction's on the back of the packaging. To start this manicure I used 2 coats of snow on all of my nails I then top coated and waited for that to completely dry. Once that was done I cut out the part of the decal I wanted and tried to get it to be just a little bit bigger than my nail. I placed the decal in the water for about 15 seconds and then popped it onto my ring nail using some tweezers. I had lots of time to get it in the position I wanted and had no issues with tearing I used acetone to clean up the edges and melt off any excess. 

To tie the whole manicure together I used a medium sized dotting tool and added a dot of charming to all my other nails near the cuticle. This was to give the effect of a nail gem, although I think I was a little heavy handed with the dotting tool so the dots were a bit bigger than I had envisioned.

Overall I am really happy with the final look I think all of the colours went really well together, and the bird is the perfect way to resemble Snow White. 

Nicole Diary sell many different beauty related products which include nail stamping plates, water decals and nail studs. They sell their products through both Amazon and Aliexpress, they do ship worldwide and their prices are extremely reasonable. It took around 3 weeks for me to receive my package and everything was packed nice and neatly. I will leave all links to their stores and social media down below, they have some really unique pretty designs. 

I have plenty more mani's coming up using some more of their beautiful decals and their selection of stamping plates, so stay tuned for those! They have given me a coupon code to share with you, use ki2016 with your orders and receive a free gift worth $2-$5. 

As always have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon. 


  1. Such a gorgeous decal, and perfect for Snow & Charming :) x

  2. That decal is lovely! I've never heard of Nicole Diary, but I have to check them out now.

    1. It was one of the first things I chose :) there a really good new business x

  3. Beautiful decal. It looks lovely!

  4. Wow, that decal is fantastic! I love how it looks hand-drawn! <3

    1. That was one of the things I loved about it too x

  5. I didn't realize it was a decal at first glance! Those are the best products, when it looks naturally done.

  6. That decal is so cute! Great manicure :)

  7. Super pretty <3 Those decals look perfect <3

  8. What a unique decal! Super pretty!

    1. It is lovely :) I am hoping to work the rest of the decal into a future mani x

  9. These colours work so well together!

    1. Thank you :) very lucky that they matched so well x

  10. Oh my - some decals can really make a mani and this one looks fabulous... definitely a great mani and the colors mesh so well together.

    1. Thank you hun yes the decal brought think to life that's for sure x

  11. I need to try water decals soon! I tried using temporary tattoos before, but it was a lot harder than I anticipated. I'm sure these water decals would be a lot less headache!

    1. They are extremely easy to use him definitly would recommend giving them a go x


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