Princess Nail Lacquer Sleeping Beauty Fairies Trio- Swatch & Review

Hello my lovely readers, I can not believe we are back to Monday all ready the weekends just seem to fly by. I hope you had a fabulous weekend, the weather still doesn't seem to have made up its mind here in the UK. But I have some gorgeous brand new nail polishes to show you today from Princess Nail Lacquer, which is a new to me brand. So lets jump straight in!

This beautiful three piece collection is based off of the three fairies in the Sleeping Beauty movie, I have always loved this movie and knew I needed these stunning polishes the minute I saw them on Princess Nail Lacquers Instagram. These are gorgeous colours for summer and perfect to wear on your fingers and toes to the beach.

The first gorgeous polish is called Merryweather- True Loves Kiss, this beautiful pastel blue is based off of the short spit fire fairy that gave Aurora the gift to be awakened by true loves kiss when she is put under the sleeping curse.  

The formula was so easy to work with and built up to full opacity in 2 coats, it has this beautiful pinky bronze shimmer. I would definitely say this is a must have if you love those pale blues with an extra something added in. 

This second polish a gorgeous sea foam green and is called Fauna- The Gift of Song, this is the fairy with a kind nature and gave Aurora the gift of song. 

I love this one it has some gorgeous light green flakies and is fully opaque in two coats, this was another easy to work with formula and went on smoothly. 

The last polish is called Flora- The Gift of beauty, this is based off of the eldest fairy who gives Aurora the gift of beauty. She is the leader of the fairies, and makes the decisions.

Flora is definitely my favourite out of the three, I knew it would be because I always gravitate more to the pinks. This beautiful cerise pink has scattered holographic which just takes it to a new level. Flora is fully opaque in 2 coats and has such an easy to work with formula, you might even get away with one thick coat for this one.

I love this trio its so unique and the fact they are based off of Disney is just the cherry on the top. All of the polishes have really great formula's and none of them left staining on the nail or in my cuticles. 

Princess Nail Lacquer is another amazing UK Indie created by the lovely Ashleigh, all of her polishes are 5 free, vegan friendly and cruelty free. I believe that Flora and Fauna are sold out at the moment but Merryweather is available in 10ml bottle for £6. I think she only ships to the UK at the moment, my polishes were well wrapped and arrived 3 days after I place my order. I will definitely be trying some more Princess Nail Lacquer in the future. I will leave links to her Etsy shop and all social media below.

I really loved this Sleeping Beauty trio I would love to know which one is your favourite? I will have some nail art using these three polishes up soon.

As always have a fantastic nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people soon.


  1. Gorgeous swatches as always! I love how each polish has that something extra to make it a bit more unique :) x

    1. Thanks hun :) I do love these don't have anything like them in my collection x

  2. This trio is great! I've never heard of this brand before. Need to check them out!

    1. Yes they are really good :) lots of unique fun polishes to try from Ashleigh and releasing more New stuff soon x

  3. Aww I loved that movie! These are so perfect!

    1. Me too :) one of my faves especially loved how funny the fairies were x

  4. You've captured the shimmer and sparkle really well in all 3 x

  5. What pretty shades!! I love the shimmer in these :)

    1. It is really pretty especially in the sun :) x

  6. Oh - one of my favorite movies... I absolutely love the shades - gorgeous.

    1. Me too they were perfect for each character :) x

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you hun :) I was so happy when I saw this collection being released x

  8. Very cute! Too bad the postal system imprisons UK indies.

  9. They are all pretty, would work so well together in a nail art

  10. Merryweather was my favourite in the movie & among the 3 colours you swatched too. So cute!

    1. I love Merryweather she was so sassy :D I do love a good blue too x

  11. Nice swatches. Liked flora.

    1. Thank you :D flora is my fave too a sucker for a good pink x

  12. I always loved the Sleeping Beauty fairies! This is an adorable collection, and your swatches are great!

  13. I've never heard of this brand! Cute concept and colors!

    1. Thanks hun, they are really good will have more polishes from her posted soon :D x

  14. Beautiful swatches as always... like all the colours...

  15. Thanks for the swatches! They're cute, but I don't think ones I would wear. :-)

  16. Beautiful swatches! I've never heard of this brand before

    1. Thank you hun, so far this brand has been really good. More coming soon :D x


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