Born Pretty Store New Square Stamping Plates- Swatch & Review

*Press Sample* 

Hello, my lovely readers, I hope you all had a nice relaxing weekend. I spent my Sunday with family which was lovely, a nice Sunday roast to bring us all together. Today's post is another Born Pretty stamping plate swatch and review. The lovely people over at Born Pretty sent me four of their new Square shaped plates for free in exchange for my review. So let's jump in.

Here are the four manicure's I managed to come up with using all four of these plates, all of my manicures were done using Born Pretty Store stamping polish and their version of the clear jelly stamper. 

The new plates recently released from the Born Pretty Store are called the BP-X-Series, they are 6cm by 6cm so the same size as a Clear Jelly Stamper plate. The individual images are approximately 1.7cm by 1.6cm, but there are some images that are smaller like the individual owls. They all come in these little cardboard sleeves, and will fit inside most stamping plate cases. 

The first plate I tried out was BP-X02, this has a definite Chinese vibe and is full of some very unique images. For my manicure, I used the middle image and the dragon to create my finished look. 

My base colour is a polish from the Ard As Nails Hashtag collection, I will be doing a full review on all of that collection in an upcoming post. This polish is called #Pop Your Cherry, it was the perfect base for my Chinese dragon styled mani.

I then used my Born Pretty clear jelly stamper to stamp the blossom pattern on all of my nails in Born Pretty Store gold stamping polish. I then top coated all my nails in HK Girl quick dry top coat, once they were dry I stamped my dragon breathing fire on my ring, middle and pointer nail in black Born Pretty stamping polish. 

The next plate is one of my favourite from the new series, the hummingbird image is just so pretty and detailed. For my manicure I used the bottom left image that looked like ivy and the hummingbird. 

The base for this manicure is a new polish from Opulent Essences, I will be showing three of their newest polishes in Friday's post. This polish is called Poison Ivy so it was perfect for this manicure, I used the green shimmer stamping polish from Born Pretty Store for my stamping.

I loved the contrast of these two polishes and the detail on that hummingbird is just so intricate and beautiful. 

The third plate I reviewed is BP-X11, this plate has lots of cute cat images. The chubby one reminds me of Soft Kitty from the Big Bang Theory. 

Again the base polish for this manicure is from the Ard As Nails Hashtag collection, this beautiful turquoise polish is called #Selfie. The images I chose to use from this plate are the paw prints and one of the cat silhouettes. 

I stamped using Born Pretty black and white stamping polish, I really loved the final look of this one I am more of a dog person myself but the cat image reminds me of a witches black cat, and who doesn't love those. 

The last plate I was sent for review is BP-X14, I am not going to lie I struggled to come up with a manicure for this plate. It was hard to choose which owl I preferred as they are all so cute, in the end I was happy with the finished result. 

Out of all four of the manicure's, this one was my favourite, my base polish is called #legend from the Ard As Nails Hashtag collection. In the end, I chose to stamp the second owl on the second row of the right-hand side of the plate. 

My owl was stamped on my ring finger and then I used the smaller flower on all my other nails down by my cuticles. To finish the whole thing off I used some nail gems I had some in yellow so they were perfect for the centre of each flower. I used a drop of top coat to stick them to the nail and then sealed my whole design in with my HK Girl.

Overall I love how all four of these manicure's turned out, I had no issues with picking up any of the images from the new Born Pretty plates. They are all very pretty and have some very unique images; I have quite a large collection of stamping plates and some of these images I have not seen on any other plate. 

These plates are available from the Born Pretty Store website and Aliexpress as well as Amazon, I will leave all of their links down below. Born pretty offer free worldwide shipping and have a lot of nail accessories and tools at great prices. What do you think of the new plates? Are there any that you are thinking of picking up? Let me know in the comments. 

As always I hope you all are having a great nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful readers again soon. 


  1. The hummingbird plate and kitty plates are my favorites. I love the color you selected to stamp with for the hummingbird mani. And the kitty mani is just adorable! :) Great review!

    1. Thank you :D I absolutely love the hummingbird plate x

  2. I absolutely love these! I haven't been the biggest BPS fan but I love these plates!

  3. The plates are pretty and your Mani's came out great.

  4. Love the kitty one! Great stamping skills. I love BP they have great products xx

  5. Gorgeous manis! I love all of those plates, it's lovely to see what you can create with each one :) x

  6. Very cute manicures! I've always liked BPS's plates - super affordable and huge selection!

    1. Me too :D I love their prices and there new plates are so pretty x

  7. The paw print stamp is adorable!! That plate alone makes me want to try stamping again.

    1. It is such a cute plate, you should definitely give it a go again hun :D be warned its very addictive LOL x

  8. I must be honest the new plates didn't really wow me. And it comes from someone who has got basically all BP plates so far! Your manis are super pretty though, I esp. love the green + gold!

  9. That plate with the hummingbird is beautiful! I love all the looks you've done here. :)

  10. Such cute images on these plates! Love the hummingbird image the best. And yes, the green and black combo is stunning!

  11. I love the cat and hummingbird plates!!! So cute! <3

    1. Thank you :D the hummingbird is definitely one of my faves x

  12. I love the cat mani - i'm just so adore cats so i will be sold with any cats theme related post!

    1. LOL i'm more of a dog lover but I definitely loved how that mani turned out x

  13. It's been years since I have ordered anything from Born Pretty Store. I'm swooning over these plates, they have gorgeous designs.

    1. You should definitely order hun, they have released loads of new products recently x

  14. These are all great - I think the Chinese is my favorite :)

  15. Great review hun! So in depth and I love every mani! Sunday lunch again this weekend.. Don't mind if I do 😝 xx

    1. LOL can't start another week without my Sunday roast :D Thank you hun xx


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