November Meebox All That Glitters- Unboxing & Review

Hello, my lovely readers, it's so hard to believe we are now in December. I will be throwing plenty of Christmas mani's your way this month, both on the blog and Instagram. However for today's post I have another lush Meebox to share with you. So let's jump straight in!

Last month's theme was All that glitters, this was a great choice as blingy nail polish works so well for all those upcoming Christmas parties. Inside the box, we received 3 nail polishes and 2 nail art items. Two of these brands are completely new to me, so I was really excited to try them out. 

First up is Little Ondine, I had heard a few reviews on this brand in the last couple of months so I was looking forward to trying them myself. They are a water based nail polish made of completely natural ingredients organic resin, colourants and water. The really interesting thing about this nail polish is it peels straight off, which when it's a glitter is a huge plus point. The polish we were sent is called Rumba, a blend of red, gold and purple glitters in a clear base. To achieve the look in the swatch picture I sponged on 3 layers of the glitter, this could also be used as a topper. 

Rumba (10.5ml) is available on the Little Ondine Website for £11

The second polish is from Floss Gloss, this is another brand I have been wanting to try for a while. All of their polishes are 7 free, cruelty-free, and vegan-friendly. The polish in our box is called Dimepiece, this is a beautiful silver holographic glitter in a clear base. For my swatch pictures I sponged on 2 coats, but I think you could probably get this opaque in 3 if you're using the brush. This does dry textured and is a top coat muncher, so you will need at least 2 thick layers of top coat to make it smooth.  

Dimepiece (5.5ml) is available on the Floss Gloss website for £8

The final polish inside the all that glitters box is from A England, I really love this brand. Every polish I have tried has been fantastic, such a great formula and amazingly opaque. A England are a UK indie, all of their polishes are 3 free, cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. This beauty is called Crown of Thistles, a stunning purple holographic with a slight pink tone. I used 2 coats to reach full opacity but you could very easily get away with just one. 

Crown of thistles (11ml) is available on the A England Website for £11

One of the nail art items in the box is supplied by Meebox, it is a beautiful holographic nail art sheet. This can be used to create that gorgeous shattered mosaic look; if you cut it into small triangles it would be great for this look. The second nail art item is from Naio Nails, this is cracked ice mylar in a 10ml pot. this can also be stuck to the nail for a beautiful blingy look this costs £1.09. 

So there we have it another fabulous Meebox, the polishes and extras included definitely suit the theme. All of these polishes will be perfect for the coming festive season, the price of this box for me was £20 and the full price of all the items included comes to £31.09. So this box is another great bargain! What do you guys think of this box? I would say my favourite polish would have to be the Crown of Thistles, I want to put that polish straight back on now.

For those of you who don't know, Meebox is a monthly nail subscription box where you receive three different polishes and other nail related items to match that particular month's theme. It is £20 per box or you can sign up for 6 or 12 months and get your box at a discounted price. I will leave all of Meebox's social media links and their website below. 

As always have a fabulous nail day my lovelies, and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon. 


  1. I love your swatches of this months box! The A-England is a hands down winner for me, it looks faaaaab on you! xx

  2. Crown of Thistles is so gorgeous <3

  3. Dime piece looks so pretty!

  4. WOW. That AEngland is my favorite here.

  5. What a great blingy box! I've never heard of Little Ondine but definitely need to check out the brand!

    1. It was my first time too, I was really impressed with how easily it peeled off x

  6. Having an A England polish in there makes this box top notch. I love that brand.

    1. Completely agree, all of the a England's I have tried have been fabulous <3

  7. I love what you've done with Little Ondine Rumba. Sponging it on was genius!

    1. Thank you hun, it built up really well with the sponging method x

  8. Looks beautiful & your swatches are stunning. I can't wait to have a proper look at mine, I just keep putting it off. Oops.
    Vicky xx

  9. I've been meaning to try Floss Gloss. That glitter is amazing!

  10. Those first two are pretty, but I don't think I would be able to stand the texture of my nails, lol

    1. Lol I'm sort of undecided when it comes to texture polishes, don't know if I love them or hate them x

  11. Floss Gloss is such a fab brand. I adore everything i have by them.

    1. I was really impressed, I will definitely try and pick up some more next year x

  12. Great box !! I loved crown of thistles

    1. That was definitely my stand out favorite too x

  13. Gorgeous polishes! I love the Little Ondine polishes I have tried! Really impressive :)

    1. Me too, I would definitely want to try some more I love the Peel off aspect of them x

  14. That A England is stunning.

  15. I love A England so that is a huge score for the box.


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