Decembers Nail Art Round Up

Hello, my lovely reader, and a massive Happy New year to you all. I hope everyone has a really nice time, whether that be out partying or sat on the sofa eating munchies like myself. Today's post is going to be another nail art round-up, I am going to jump straight in as December was quite a busy month.

As you can see I managed to get a 16 nail art looks done last month, most of them are Christmas themed but there are some others that could be used any time of year. All of these mani's have been posted to my Instagram and Facebook page throughout December. All of the mani's will either be linked to my Instagram, where you can find out what products were used. Or to the blog post where I explain how to create that look.

I am so pleased with how many mani's I managed to get done last month, and I am loving my new holographic background. It really makes my nails the stand out of the photo, and its holo so it makes me smile (LOL) I would love to know which nail art look is your favourite from this months Round-Up? I will be doing this every month and each mani will be posted to Instagram and Facebook first, so to see them sooner pop on over and give me a follow,

As always have a fabulous nail day, and I will chat to all of you wonderful people again soon.


  1. You've done so much amazing nail art this month! I can't pick a favourite!! x

  2. Oh wow! These are all lovely. I particularly love the penguins.

    1. Thank you <3 me too i am a sucker for a cute penguin x

  3. Well done on doing 16 manis! My favourite is probably the Penguin one because how can anyone not love penguins?

  4. You had a good December! Your pastel Christmas might be my favorite though!

  5. All of your nail art came out so well. Thanks for the retrospective.

  6. Wow! These are all amazing! I really love the pastel holiday sweater - so fun and original!

  7. Love your nail art. It's a tie which is my favorite between your New Year's Eve and Meebox All That Glitters Mani.

    1. Thank you I really liked the all that glitters mani can't beat a bit of sparkle <3

  8. I did a ton of holiday nail art too! It feels so great to complete them!

  9. You did a lot of stunners in December!

  10. Beautiful nail art!! They all look amazingly done! <3

  11. They're all so pretty and creative -- love it! I wish I could do my nail art as well as you!

    1. Thank you huni I'm still trying to improve just lots of practice <3

  12. Your stamping is just spectacular!

    1. Oh thank you so much hun that means alot to me x


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