Alphabet Swatchathon- Anchor & Heart

Hello, my lovely readers, hope you are all having a nice week so far. Hump day is here which means it's time for another Alphabet swatchathon post. Today we have the American indie brand Anchor & Heart, I picked a few of these up last year when my mum went to visit our cousin in Kentucky. Instead of just doing the one polish I decided I would do 2 as these both came in a duo set. So let's jump in and take a closer look.

The duo I have to show you are two crelly polishes if you have been reading my blog for some time, you will know I am a bit of a sucker for a good crelly. Something about the squishy nice and different glitters sandwiched between the layers just makes me feel happy. 

The first polish is called Celebration, this has a white crelly base with blue, pink and purple hex and micro glitters. The base was quite sheer for this polish so I decided to pop it on top of a white base to make those beautiful glitters really pop. My swatches are 2 coats of Celebration over a white creme, the formula was easy to handle and applied evenly. I didn't need to do any fishing for the glitters either, it had a nice glitter to base ratio. 

The second polish from the duo is called A Happy Accident 2.0, this has a turquoise crelly base with gold, bronze and light blue glitters. I loved the way this looked it gave me a real mermaidy vibe. I used 3 thick coats for my swatches, if you're using thinner coats you made need four for this one. The formula was easy to work with and levelled out nicely. Again the ratio between glitter and base was good so no need to go fishing for any of those glitters. 

Overall I am really impressed with these first two polishes I have tried from Anchor & Heart, the formula was nice to work with and they are quite unique to my collection. I will definitely try the other two polishes I bought from this brand soon. 

Anchor & Heart lacquer are an American indie brand located in Maine, the polishes are created by the lovely Taryn. All of her polishes are 5 free and cruelty-free, she does monthly limited edition duo's and has two full-size collections available now. She also has some Crazy 4 crellies Facebook group exclusives available, she does ship internationally and shipping costs are calculated on weight, destination and current rates so they can vary. I will leave links to her Etsy store down below along with her social media accounts. 

I would love to know what your thoughts are on these two beautiful crellies, also let me know if you own any polishes from this brand and what you think?? 

As always peeps have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to you all again very soon. 


  1. Both polishes are so pretty. Really great choices for your mom to pick up for you.

  2. I'm glad glitter is coming back. This are so bright and fun.

  3. I'm honored that you gave these a try and am so happy that you liked them! I will note, since making these polishes I have changed the type of white pigment that I use because I wanted to eliminate the issue with occasional sheerness (is that a word? lol!) of my polishes. Thanks again for your honest review! XO! <3

    1. Thank you for making such beautiful unique polishes <3 I will definitely order some more next time my mum is in the state's x

  4. Those are both gorgeous! I love glitter crellies!

  5. These are very pretty. That second minty polish is gorgeous. Never heard of this brand before, it looks good though.
    Vicky xx

    1. They are really lovely hun and quite unique I havent seem another polish with this mix of colours x

  6. I love crellies with coloured glitter. These are both ideal for the Summer.

    1. I am a huge crelly fan so I adored wearing these ones x

  7. These are both gorgeous, I need to try mine! xx

  8. A Happy Accident is so pretty!

  9. Anchor & Heart is a brand that I have just recently tried out (despite having a bunch of them in my untried pile) and I am in love.

  10. These are both really pretty!

  11. i love glitter crellies! that white one looks especially fun!

    1. Glitter crellies just capture my heart every time :) x


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