Alphabet Swatchathon- A England Briar Rose

Hello, my lovely readers, fingers crossed you are all having a really nice week so far. Today's post is the beginning of a series I am starting in the hopes I can get my untried pile of polishes reduced. You are probably not surprised to hear that more than 50% of my polish collection is unswatched. So to remedy this I am going to begin start swatching my untried Indies. I will pick one polish from each brand to swatch, this way I'll be able to try all of the indie brand I own. I am going to do this by going from A-Z by brand. These post's will be quite short, but I hope you enjoy.

To start us off we have A-England this is an indie brand sold here in the UK, all of their polishes are 3 free, cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. They have so many beautiful polishes with fantastic formula's all of the ones I have tried so far have been really easy to work with. 

At this present time, I have 11 A England polishes, out of all of my untried ones I decided to swatch Briar Rose. This is a gorgeous pink toned red linear holographic, this was so easy to apply to the nail and levelled out really well. It took 2 coats to be fully opaque but was very close with just the one, this holographic isn't in your face but still noticeable. This is a fantastic polish for Autumn and Winter if you're not quite ready to let go of those warm toned polishes yet this is a great one to add to your collection.

I am really happy I chose this beautiful polish to start of my Alphabet Swatchathon, A England is definitely a brand I would highly recommend. Their polishes are always lovely to work with and apply to the nail like butter. I will leave links to the A England website and their social media down below. 

I would love to know your thoughts on this series? Let me know if it sounds like something you would be interested in. This series will be posted on Wednesday's and coming next is Above the Curve Nail Polish...


  1. I'm so excited for this series! Beautiful polish and swatch xx

  2. Love this polish! I think it may be buried in my untried helmer too! :( I like your untried challenge!

    1. Thank you I wouldn't definitely give it a try its so pretty <3

  3. I have yet to buy any A England and your swatch reminded me that I need to.

    1. Thank you <3 oo yes definitely get some I haven't had any that I don't like so far :) x

  4. This is just the perfect rose color I ever did see. And, I have always loved the name Briar Rose! <3

  5. Great swatch, I love A England! I do this too, I go down my polish list and take one from each brand I haven't used yet. It takes a while doing only one a week, but it gets done.

    1. Thank you <3 I can't wait to try all of the brands and hopefully get my untried pile alot smaller by the end of the year x

  6. How gorgeous is this! I can't believe I still don't have any A-Englands.

    1. Thank you <3 I would defintely pick some up if you can hun x

  7. What a gorgeous holo! love this shade!

  8. This colour is so pretty! I'm honestly not sure why I haven't picked it up yet....

  9. Briar Rose is one of my favorite a Englands. Now I want to pull it out and wear it!

    1. I would say it's in my top 3 from all the a Englands I've tried x

  10. I love the idea of an Alphabet Swatchathon! So fun :) This shade is gorgeous on you!

    1. Thank you hun <3 I'm really enjoying trying all the different brands x

  11. This is the neatest idea -- I love it <3


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