February 2017 Gatsby Meebox- Unboxing & Review

Welcome back my lovely readers, I hope you all had a nice weekend relaxing or partying. I received quite a bit of nail mail on Friday so spent quite a lot of time playing with those. Among that nail mail, was February's Meebox, the theme for this months box was Gatsby. So let's jump in and take a closer look!

This month's box had 3 pretty polishes and two nail art items, two of these brands have been in previous boxes but I had never tried the Maggie Anne polishes before. So I was pleased to see that added to this box.

We will start with the new to me brand, this is Maggie Anne Pearl, this is a black creme that was fully opaque in 2 coats. All of the Maggie Anne line are 6 free, cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. Each polish has a gel effect formula, and dries down to a super glossy finish. I didn't use any top coat in my swatch photo's and you can see how shiny the polish is. The brush for this polish is wide which makes applying the polish nice and easy and the formula self-levels really well, so no streaks.

Pearl is available on the Maggie Anne website for £10.50 or on Nail Polish Direct for £7.61

The second polish is from Little Ondine, we received one of these in our November box from last year. All of the Little Ondine polishes have a peel off formula and are odourless. This is fantastic especially when you are working with a glitter polish. This polish is called Copper Spark, it has a clear base with copper metallic glitters. I managed to get this opaque in 3 coats, it was nearly there with two but just needed that extra coat to cover any bald spots. 

Copper Spark is available on the Little Ondine website for £11

The last polish is probably my favourite from this box, it is Color Club Midnight Mulberry, a dark muted purple creme. I managed to get this fully opaque in 2 coats it was really easy to work with and had a nice formula. 

Midnight Mulberry is available on Amazon for £5

The first nail art item we received were some art deco nail vinyls from Nail-Mail.co.uk. we received one sheet with 10 vinyls. So there is enough there to do a full mani on both hands, the cost on these seem to vary depending on the size you choose it goes from £3.95 for small ones up to £6.95 for the extra large size. 

The last item in the Gatsby box were these gold caviar beads from Sparkly Nails, this is a 15g bag of caviar beads which costs £1.99.

Overall I was pleasantly surprised with this box, I loved the Color Club and Little Ondine, and was also happy to try and new to me brand. The nail art supplies were a nice touch and rounded the box out nicely. I think that the items chosen worked really well for the theme, the total cost of this box for me was £20. Altogether the polishes and nail art goodies came to just under £32, so still a great saving of £12. 

For those of you who don't know, Meebox is a monthly polish subscription service. Each month they chose a different theme and send 3 polishes plus other nail goodies to your doorstep. You can get either a 1-month subscription for £20 per month or you can get a 3-month subscription for £54 a month which means each box costs £18. I will leave all the links to the Meebox site and their social media down below. 

I would love to know what your thoughts are on this box? Which polish takes your fancy? As always peeps have an amazing nail day and I will chat to you all again soon. 


  1. Ooh your swatches are beautiful and I think that colour club is very pretty. The caviar beads are a nice touch.
    Vicky x

    1. Thank you huni, the color club was definitely my fave <3

  2. I love Colour Club's creme polishes. Some of the best formulas, anywhere.

  3. Midnight Mulberry is totally a color I would wear!

  4. The vinyl design looks cool! I love Color Club Midnight Mulberry - the dusty purples get me every time!

  5. That Maggie Anne black polish is to die for!

  6. This looks like a fun box! You can definitely create some fun looks with the contents!

    1. Yes definitely :) still need to do a nail art look with the color club x

  7. Lovely swatches. This box looks like fun and it would encourage me to do nail art!

  8. Great shades - I love that Little Ondine glitter. I reviewed their water-based polishes and was super impressed!

    1. I was suprised by how much I liked that one so easy to remove :) x

  9. Ooh these are all gorgeous

  10. I love that black it would look so fab for a evening out with an silver accent nail - stunning!

  11. You're right, Midnight Mulberry is the prettiest! I love the mauvey purple.

  12. I like this box! Maggie Anne is a new brand to me too, but I like what I see here.

  13. All three of these shades are absolutely gorgeous!! I'm especially loving that purple!

    1. It was a really lovely box and great for the theme x

  14. I've really been feeling colors like Midnight Mulberry lately! So pretty!

  15. Beautiful swatches! I have a feeling the Color Club is going to be my favourite too :) x

  16. Midnight Mulberry is beautiful!


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