January 2017 Nail Art Round Up

Hello, my lovely readers, I hope you have all been having a good week do far. I have just returned from baby bounce, and I don't know who is more exhausted me or Lexi. Today marks the beginning of February so that means it is time for January's nail art round up. So let's have a look back at all the nail art I managed to get done this month.

With catching bug after bug I am quite surprised with how many looks I managed to put together last month. I will link each mani to either its Instagram post or blog post where I tell what products I used for each nail art look. 

Considering I spent most of this month feeling rotten I am happy with the nail art I did get to do, I also posted my first ever nail art tutorial on Instagram. Hopefully February I will spend more time at my nail desk and less time in bed. Which look is your favourite? I am not sure I could choose, I am really proud of doing a watermarble finally so it might be that one,

As always have a fantastic nail day and I will chat to all you amazing people soon. 


  1. I can't believe how many nail art looks you managed to squeeze in! I love them all but have to choose our penguin twin mani as my fave, he's adorable! xx

    1. He is so cute and i loved that we were wearing the same mani :D x

  2. Ohhh...the Picture Polish one was my favourite.

    1. Thank you <3 that was really spur of the moment so I was pretty pleased with that one x

  3. Great looks! I'm biased, but the bees are my favorite since I'm a huge bee lover! :)

    1. Thank you <3 they weremy little girls faves too x

  4. So many cute designs, but the zig zag is still my favorite!

  5. Awesome manis! I love the mermaid one most.

    1. Thank you <3 I really want to do more Mermaid manis they were so much fun :D x

  6. You did some amazing nail art - I love that under the sea look!

  7. Beautiful nail art, love! I think your bees is my favorite!

    1. Thank you <3 I was really sad to remove that one x

  8. Wow, you did so many good ones! The leadlighting one is my fave.

    1. Thank you <3 I definitely want to try that technique again x

  9. Well done! It's amazing how you could do all of these in just a month.

  10. I'm having a hard time picking my favorite look. I cant wait to see February's roundup!


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