Lina Nail Art Supplies All About Love 01- Swatch & Review

Hello, my lovely readers, I hope you have all had a nice relaxing weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed my roast dinner at my Nan's yesterday, we even had cake as it was my brothers Birthday on Friday. I can't believe we are already in February, this year is just going way too fast for me. As I am sure everyone knows Valentines Day is fast approaching, so that means all those lovey dovey mani's will be doing the rounds soon. For today's post I have another Lina Nail Art Supplies to show you, she recently released 3 new plates one being a Valentines Day theme. So let's take a closer look!

This plate is called All About Love 01, it has both singular images and full nail designs. The plate measures 14.5cm by 9.5cm, the full-size images are 2.2cm by 1.7cm. So again these plates are good for both short and long nails. Fantastic pick up from this plate, images came out crisp and picked up first time. 

I really loved how this mani turned out, I used the layered heart image from the top left corner of the plate. My base colour is Danglefoot Nail Polish Achey Breaky Heart, this is so beautiful a purple jelly base with pink and gold flakies. This is such a stunning polish, I have a plain swatch of this up on my Instagram. I used a Born Pretty Store pink stamping polish for the full hearts and Mundo De Unas White for the outline. 

The second mani I made using this plate you will have already seen, I used that beautiful rose image for my 26 Great Nail Art Idea's Black and White Valentines. This image stamped really well, I sometimes find when you have both block colour images and the fine lines they don't always pick up. But this stamped really nicely even the small hearts in between the roses didn't cause any issues. 

For my final mani I decided I just had to use those cute loved up penguins, I mean how could I not. My base polish for this mani is Bumble from Level Up Lacquer, this is a beautiful blue to white thermal with micro blue and white glitters. This was the perfect accompaniment to the little penguins, I also used the snowflake looking image with hearts above the penguins for my other nails. I did find with the singular images a slightly firmer stamper would pick up all the details better. 

Overall I am highly impressed by yet another one of the Lina plates, I think I should just accept defeat now and hand all my money over. This plate could be used not only for Valentines but all year round, there are so many beautiful images on this one. I love that she creates plates with such unique images, that is not easy to do with how many stamping brands there are our there. I picked up my plate from the lovely Alex at Nail Artisan, the plate costs £12.25 I believe it is sold out at both Nail Artisan and directly from Lina at the moment. But they are doing a pre-order so I would get your orders in fast before this one disappears. 

I will leave links to both the Lina Store and Nail Artisan down below along with Lina's social media, I highly recommend this brand. They are fast becoming one of my favourite stamping plate brands, I will have more plate reviews coming up soon so keep your eyes peeled for them. 

Would love to know what your thoughts are on these plates, do you own any yet? As always have a fantastic nail day and I will chat to you all again soon.


  1. I'm loving the little hearts!

  2. While I'm not particularly crazy about hearts, I'm really liking this plate!

    1. There are so many mani posibilites with this one :) x

  3. Gorgeous plate and what stunning manis you've created. I wish I had grabbed this one, oh well, I'm sure the next plate will be just as amazing.
    Vicky xx

    1. Thank you hun <3 I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they come up with next x

  4. Those penguins! I love that mani so much, it's so adorable!!

    1. Thank you me too <3 can't go wrong with lovey dovey penguins x

  5. I love those hearts over the glitter polish - so cute for Valentine's!

  6. Those layered hearts are the coolest!

  7. I love all your manis hun 😍 brilliant post xx

  8. I've been seeing such great reviews about this brand. I need to grab some of these plates!

    1. I would highly reccomend them :) I want them all lol x

  9. You keep making me want this plate haha! Gorgeous manis x

    1. Haha thanks hun you definitely need it ;) xx

  10. I love the penguin mani!!!! Soooooooo stinking cute!!!!


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