Danglefoot Nail Polish Once Upon A Time Duo, Belle and Rumple- Swatch & Review

Hello Dearies, now you might be thinking I sound like I am from another time with that intro. But today I have another Danglefoot Once Upon A Time duo to share with you. This time it is in collaboration with my good friend Becca from A Certain Becca Nails. She chose to join up with Hayley the creator of Danglefoot Nail Polish, to create the Rumbelle duo. For those of you who don't speak Once Upon a Time that is Belle and Rumple. So let's take a closer look!

Belle and Rumple are the Once Upon A Time's version of Beauty and the Beast, Rumpelstiltskin or as he is also known the Dark One is all about making deals and pretty much screwing people over. Belle is as you can imagine a nice gentle character who also has a kick ass side and is a bookworm. They are an unlikely pairing but they do say opposites attract, I think Hayley and Becca did a great job in making the polishes suit the two characters. 

Belle is a beautiful thermal polish that goes from a very light almost clear blue when warm to a dark deep blue when cold. Not going to lie I had troubles recording this one as my body circulation is all over the place so could never grab a pic of it fully in its warm state. This also has some gorgeous dark blue flakies that make it so pretty when it's warm. I used 3 thin coats to make this fully opaque, I did find using thinner coats worked better with this one. 

The Rumple polish is called Hello Dearie, this is another complex beautiful polish. A steel grey with linear holographic and green flakies. If that doesn't make this unique enough there is a stunning gold shimmer in their too. I didn't think I would like grey polishes but I really loved this one, 2 coats for full opacity and a lovely formula to work with. 

Another beautiful duo by Hayley, it worked really well for the characters and both had easy formula's to work with. All of the Danglefoot nail polishes are 5 free, cruelty-free and vegan-friendly, this duo cost £13 and there are some of these left in her shop at the moment. They do sell out quite fast so if you are wanting to get them I would act fast. I will leave the links to the Danglefoot store below along with their social media. 

Let me know what you think of this duo down below? I will be swatching some more of the Once Upon a Time duo's soon so keep your eye's peeled for those.

As always have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon.


  1. Yay Belle & Rumple!! I'm glad you like them :D xx

  2. I really love the Rumplestiltskin polish. It's hard to find a grey that has such interest.

  3. Thats a lovely duo! I love the gray <3

  4. I love thermals! Belle is calling my name!

  5. Hello Dearie is making me drool. I love grey polish and a grey holo? Yes, please!

  6. I haven't watched this show in ages! But I do love belle!

  7. Beautiful polishes! I'm really digging Hello Dearie!

  8. I haven't watched any of the Once Upon a Time episodes, but those are beautiful colors. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite fairy tale as a kid. -)

  9. I love Hello Dearie. That's a very unique shade.


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