Pretty Serious Bad Reputation Trio- Swatch & Review

Woohoo it's Friday! Hello my awesome readers, we are at the end of the week and I am so glad that we are. This week has been so awful at the FairyTalesNails household, first, my Auntie got ill and was taken into hospital and then the next day my Mum got taken in. My Auntie is now resting at home whilst my Mum is still in hospital having more tests, fingers crossed she will be home tonight. Let's just say it has been one roller coaster of a week. Anyway enough ranting from me, today I have the beautiful Pretty Serious Bad Reputation Trio to show you. So let's jump in!

The Bad Reputation Trio was released a couple of weeks ago, and I was lucky enough to join a few awesome ladies in a group buy. All three of these polishes have kick ass names and beautiful shimmer that translated beautifully to the nail. 

First up we have Stupid Cupid a beautiful mint green creme with a gold shimmer, the shimmer does translate to the nail. I used 2 thick coats to get full opacity, the formula was lovely to work with and levelled out nicely. 

The second polish from the trio is called Heartbreaker, it is a deep purple creme with a light blue shimmer. Another 2 coater polish and so easy to work with, this is probably my favourite out of the three. That shade of purple just captures my heart every time and the blue shimmer just takes it to the next level.

The last polish from the trio is called Cherry Bomb, a cherry-toned pink with a gold shimmer. Another easy to apply 2 coater polish, this is so beautiful on the nail and levels out nicely.

Overall I really loved this collection, the polishes were really easy to apply and that shimmer was such a gorgeous addition to the already beautiful colour of the polishes. I  would definitely pick Heartbreaker as my stand-out favourite, but all three polishes are stunning. I feel these polishes are good to wear all year round but they will definitely be good for the upcoming hot weather (fingers crossed) the spring and summer. 

Pretty Serious are an Australian indie polish brand, all of their polishes are 3 free, cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. Every polish I have tried from them has been a pleasure to work with, and applies to the nail like butter. I love how they think outside of the box and come up with some really unique combinations when it comes to formula and colour. I will leave links to the Pretty Serious website down below along with their social media, I will also link Rainbow Connection down below as they are UK stockist for the brand. 

I would love to know which one out of the collection is your favourite? As always have a fantastic nail day my lovely readers and I will chat to you all again soon.


  1. Beautiful swatches, I'm so glad we got these! Fingers crossed your Mum & Auntie are on the mend xx


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