Hollywood UK Indie Box- Unboxing & Review

Hey, everyone, I hope you all had a really lovely weekend. Again I am a day late in posting, unfortunately, I am still suffering from this migraine so doing anything computer related has been tough lately. I have had to write this post in bits and pieces as looking at a computer screen for too long is not a possibility at the moment. I have a really fun post for you though, so I hope that will make up for it. I have 4 gorgeous polishes from 4 fabulous UK indie brands, so let's take a closer look. 

This UK indie collaboration box was put together by the lovely Hayley from Danglefoot Nail Polish. The theme this time was Hollywood, we were told this box would be a holo lovers dream so of course, I had to pick one up. Each one of these polishes is limited edition and had been specifically made for this box. 

The A List

This beautiful polish from Danglefoot Nail Polish is really unique, it is a silver linear holographic with muti-chrome flakies that shift from green to pink. I used 2 coats to reach full opacity and it applied really nicely to the nail, the holo effect is stunning especially out in the sunlight. 

La La Land

This polish is probably my favourite out of the four, this beauty is from Freckles polish. It is a gorgeous blurple scattered holographic with pink flakies. This was really beautiful to apply and fully opaque in 2 coats, it has all the colours I love to wear in one polish so it was an immediate winner for me.

Walk Of Fame

The next polish is from the always fabulous Princess Nail Lacquer, this is a raspberry linear holographic packed full of multi-chrome flakies. This was also fully opaque in 2 coats and had a lovely formula. 

Rodeo Drive Baby

The last polish is from the beautiful brand Opulent Essences, this is a browny gold linear holographic, with gold flakies. Another easy to apply polish and perfectly opaque in 2 coats, I really don't have a bad thing to say about any of these polishes. 

The last goodie from the box is from FairyPants, this is a UK vegan-friendly cosmetics company. We were treated to one of their powder eye shadows, mine was in this beautiful silver shade. I don't use eyeshadow often but I will definitely be trying this one the next time I have a night out. 

Overall this box was fabulous, I loved all four of the polishes and the eyeshadow was really nice added bonus. The full cost of this box including postage was £35, which I feel was a great price for these four unique polishes and the eyeshadow. All four of these UK brands are fabulous, unfortunately, I believe Freckles Polish is no longer in business but I will link Julianne's Instagram as well as the rest of the Indie stores sites down below.  

Which one would you pick as your favourite? Let me know down below. As always have a great nail day and I will chat to you all again soon. 


  1. try patting the silver shadow over a black eyeliner. Its a really pretty effect.

    1. ooo that does sound nice, I will give that a go thanks hun <3

  2. Wow, I'm missing out on some UK indies - those polishes are stunning! I wish there was a time machine where we could ship back and forth! :)

    1. That would be so great, a teleport machine so we can all enjoy all of the bottle babies <3

  3. This looks like an amazing box! Everything looks so gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Jen, it was probably one of the best boxes so far <3

  4. This looks like an awesome box. La La Land is my favorite, but they're all pretty.

    1. Totally agree with you hun, La La Land is a hard one not to love <3

  5. Gorgeous box and wow those colours are amazing. Your swatches show them perfectly and although that eye shadow may not be your usual thing, it looks very pretty.
    Vicky x

  6. Replies
    1. I Loved the addition of the flakies in The A-List, they worked perfectly <3


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