March Nail Art 2017 Round Up

Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I felt like a drained battery all weekend so not much going on here. I have been receiving some awesome nail mail over the last couple days, so really looking forward to sharing that with you. For today's post I have my monthly nail art round-up, so let's take a look. 

In March I managed to create 16 different nail art looks, quite a few were green which I did expect. Also in March I had a major nail break so had to shorten them quite a bit, I must admit my nubbins are definitely growing on me. As always I will leave links to either the blog post or Instagram post below the photo. These will have all the details of how I created each mani.

Born Pretty Spring Time Mani 

St Patricks Day Mani

Belle & Rumple Mani

26 Great Nail Art Idea's Mixed Tape Mani

Holographic Roses

Love To Live, Live To Love Mani

Nailing Mental Health

Kiss Me Slow Mani

26 Great Nail Art Idea's Spring Animals

Galaxy Nails

Sunset mani

Bethany's Birthday Mani

Mother's Day Mani

26 Great Nail Art Idea's Green Freestyle

Clear Jelly Stamper Butterfly mani

Clear Jelly Stamper Set Sail mani

I am really pleased with how much nail art I achieved last month, and I am super happy that I am finally getting the hang of layered stamping. I would love to know which one is your favourite? I definitely think my set sail mani is mine. 

I'm thinking there will be lots of Spring and Easter mani's coming in April, how can I resist the chance to do some cute chicks and bunnies. As always have a fabulous nail day and I will chat to all you wonderful people again soon.


  1. So many cute designs! I think the freestyle green may be my favorite although the music love one is a close second.

  2. Such a fun month and I love your nail art style. Here's hoping April is as colourful.
    Vicky x

  3. It's so fun to see all your art together! I love it all!

  4. I have a love/hate relationship with your round up posts. I love seeing all the wonderful manis you do over the previous month, but I really want to be able to pick a favorite and I kinda hate that I can't. haha You always do such a great job!

  5. All of these are so fabulous that I can't pick just the one favourite. If you held a gun to me and asked me to do it, I'd go for Kiss Me Slow. Or Love to Live, Live to Love. Or those gorgeously unique galaxy nails.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you <3 I love that Bundle Monster plate makes Galaxy mani's so much simpler :D

  7. So many favorites - Spring Animals (LOVELY!), Galaxy nails ( the base is stunning) and every mani you did using the thermals - I love nail art with thermals!

  8. This is a nice post, all stunning nail art designs. If I had to pick a fav it'll have to be the set sail mani

  9. You had SO many great ones! I can't even begin to pick!

  10. Wow - so many fabulous manis last month!

  11. Wow girl you were busy! Those are beautiful manis!

  12. You are a busy bee with all that stamping! So many that I loved!

  13. Wow! These are all amazing, I love them all!
    Hayley - A Nail Polish Addiction

  14. That birthday mani is amazing!!!! Perfection!!!


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