June 2017 Meebox Ibiza- Unboxing & Review

Hello, my lovelies halfway through the week already and close to the end of yet another month. I am running low on energy at the moment as Lexi feels 6.30am is a good time to get up, and getting her to stay in her bed is a nightmare since we have gotten rid of the cot. Anyway, enough about my motherly woes, today's post is another Meebox unboxing, so let's jump in!

This month's theme was Ibiza so I was expecting some bright neon polishes, and that is exactly what I got. Inside the box were three very bright summer neon polishes, a white base coat to use for your undies under the neon's and 2 nail art items.

Nails Inc Claridge Gardens

The first polish and probably the worst is Nails Inc Claridge Gardens, this is a bright neon pink polish. This also came with a white base coat called the neon activator, I did 2 coats of the white followed by 3 coats of the pink. Even then it was a horrible sheer streaky mess. This polish is extremely sheer so I don't see it getting opaque on its own. Overall a bit of a dud for me. This is available from £15.

Zoya Mirajane

Next up is Zoya Mirajane a very bright cobalt blue, this again had a very sheer consistency. I used 2 coats of the white base with 2 coats of the Zoya. You may be able to get this fully opaque in 3-4 coats by itself but I always draw the line at 3. I'm not sure I would call it a neon but it definitely a lovely bright colour. This is available on Nail Polish Direct for £9.95

Models Own Beach Hut

 The last polish in the box and definitely my favourite out of the three was Beach Hut, a neon in your face orange creme. This is 2 coats and oh my god it was blinding my eyes, it had a fabulous formula and is the perfect polish for Summer. This is on the Models Own website for £4.99.

IZ Beauty of London Mixed Colour Striping Nail Decals

The first nail art item are these Striping decals from IZ Beauty of London, they come in black, white and gold and different lengths so will be good for all nail sizes and designs. These are available on the website for £4. 

NCLA Nail Wraps End of Summer

The last item in the box were these NCLA nail wraps, each one is covered with various palm trees in bright summer colours. These are available now on the NCLA website for £12.35.

So what are my overall thoughts on this box, I really loved the colours but the formula on the Nails Inc and the Zoya was a bit of a pain in the bum. Altogether the items from this box would have cost £46.29, so it is still definitely worth the money. This wasn't my favourite box formula wise but I did love the colours they chose. I am contemplating on maybe missing a few months out as I haven't been 100% impressed lately. I think I will give it one more box and then make my decision. As always all of the links to Meebox will be left down below. 

I would love to know what your thoughts are on this box? Let me know down below. As always my lovelies have a fab nail day and I will chat to you all again soon.


  1. I agree with you completely. The colours are gorgeous, and I love the theme, but the polishes didn't quite live up to our expectations formula wise :( x

    1. Wish it had been better, fingers crossed for next month xx

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah :( loved the colours but the formula's definitely needed improving x

  3. That Nails Inc looks dreadful, but the Models Own looks good!

    1. The Models Own was fab, definitely my favorite from the box x

  4. those stickers are so miami vice!

  5. Wow, first Zoya I've ever seen be a pain in the nail! I do love that Models Own - such a great summer color!

  6. Those are great colors! Sucks that the formula isn't good.

    1. Yeah hoping for some better polishes in next months box x

  7. Love those nail wraps! The design is awesome.

    1. They are really pretty, will be great for when I need a quick nail art look x

  8. Too bad that Nails Inc is so meh! I hate having to wear any neon over white...just no!

    1. I agree hun surely most brands shouldn't need white undies anymore x

  9. That neon pink is pretty rough, but the others are cute! Nice swatches :)

  10. I've seen some mixed reviews about this box but agree the colours are stunning! Fingers crossed the next box is a hit, the theme looks amazing!
    Vicky x

    1. Thanks Vicky, luckily the next box was more of a winner <3 xx


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