Ejiubas Don Deeva Fairytale Stamping Plate- Swatch & Review

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Not much going on over here just trying to get a very stubborn Lexi to learn some numbers and letters. For a nearly 3 year old she is extremely stubborn, if she thinks it goes 1,2,3,6 then apparently everyone else is wrong. So for today's post I have another stamping plate to share with you. 

I recently purchased some of Ejiubas's newest stamping plates, the one I have to show you today is a collaboration plate made with Don Deeva an American indie polish company. All of the images on the plate are beyond cute.

 Who doesn't love a cute smiling cupcake, I know I do. The base polish is Cupcake Polish Mod Squad, full swatches of the Mod About You collection can be found here. I stamped all of these images using the Ejiubas Rhinestone cap clear jelly stamper. 

For the next mani I paired up the star nail image with the very inquisitive looking owl. The base polish for this mani is Esmaltes Da Kelly Penguin. The images stamped beautifully with lovely crisp lines, and the own was the perfect size for my nail. 

This mani definitely gives me those Autumn vibes, the base polish is KB Shimmer You Autumn Know and the little cute fox worked really well with those autumn coloured glitters. 

The final mani I have to share was Lexi's favourite she named this little kitty Minnie, doesn't take genius to guess she is obsessed with all things Minnie Mouse. I used another gorgeous KB Shimmer polish as my base, this is a purple creme with pink flakies. This was so beautiful and delicate just by itself, but the little kitty went really well with it as well as the hearts. 

Like I said this plate has plenty of utterly adorable images to choose from the plate measures 14cm by 8cm. There are both singular and full size nail images on the plate, the single ones are approximately 1.4cm by 1cm. The the full cover images are 2cm by 1.cm, so they are really good for both long and short nails. With the singular images those with shorter nails might find shrinking the images will help them fit onto their nails better. They all stamp beautifully and are etched into the plate so that pick up is never a problem.

This set also comes with another plate that is full of textured images for all those warm cardigan nail looks. I purchased these from Amazon but they are also available from UK supplier Rainbow Connection. The two plates cost £8.99 and both are double sided so that is four plates for £8.99! A fabulous bargain and plenty of unique images to choose from, I have loved all Ejiubas products I have tried and do not have a bad word to say about them. 

I will leave links to the Ejiubas store and their social media down below. 

I would love to know which of these mani's are your favourite? Also if you have tried Ejiubas products what are your thoughts, let me know down in the comments. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post, plenty more product reviews and polish swatches coming up. Chat to you all again soon.


  1. Fabulous manis! I can't pick a favourite - they're all too adorable xx

  2. I love everything although my fave is w/ the owl one. It's just so cute

  3. I totally picked this plate up too! It's my first Ejiubus plate. The only thing I'm worried about is that the images are a bit large for my nails. I'm hoping I can work some shrinking magic. I really love the fox mani - you paired it perfectly with the KB Shimmer.

    1. Thank you lovely. They are on the larger side, I think if my nails were any shorter it would have been a squeeze. I'm no good at shrinking LOL just can't get the hang of it x

  4. Beyond cute. I really wish I could stamp or had the time to do it. I'd wear any of these.

  5. I didn't know they collaborated together on this plate! How cool! I'm partial to the fox mani!

    1. I loved this plate best plate from Ejiubas so far I think x

  6. I cannot get over how cute these images are, especially that owl and the smiling cupcake.

    1. Thank you lovely, this plate is definitely a cuteness overload :D x

  7. Every one of these manis is amazing! Fantastic job.

  8. The little animals are adorable!!! So cute!!

  9. Those are so stinkin' cute!I'm going to need those plates.

    1. They are so adorable definitely worth the money :D x

  10. Omg, all your mani's are So cute! I need to get better at stamping - I always struggle with getting it up onto the stamp/cushion/thingy :-P

    1. Thank you hun, I always find working quickly and rolling the stamper works best <3


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