Cirque Colors: 'Coronation' & 'Rioja'

Welcome back my lovelies, I hope this week is treating you well. I have some more beautiful Winter polishes to show you today, one of which is a nail polish addict must have. 

Cirque Colors recently released their Winter 2017 collection, I managed to pick two of the main polishes that I wanted up when they became available on Rainbow Connection. I would say both of these are must haves for any nail polish lovers collection. 


The first polish I have to share with you is Rioja a stunning Ruby red linear holographic, perfectly opaque in 2 coats and no issues with staining. A fabulous polish to wear for any upcoming Holiday events. 

Coronation (LE)

Of course the must have polish out of the two is Coronation a Limited Edition re release, this polish was released a couple of years ago and is was a very rare one to get your hands on. So of course I had to grab it whilst I could, it has a bright purple jelly base with that gorgeous shifting shimmer. This is on the sheer side and took 3 coats to be fully opaque, it built up really nicely and has an easy formula to work with. 

Two really stunning polishes that I am very happy I have added to my collection, I purchased mine from UK supplier Rainbow Connection. Unfortunately Coronation is a Limited Edition so won't be restocked but Rioja will be available again in the future along with the rest of the Winter 2017 collection. 

I will leave links to Rainbow Connection and their social media down below so you can browse, and make sure to sign up to the newsletter so you will be notified of the next restock.

Rainbow Connection| Facebook| Instagram| Twitter

I would love to know if you managed to pick up Coronation? What are your thoughts on it, let me know down in the comment. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post and I will chat to you all again soon.


  1. I love when we pick up the same polishes, love these two! X

  2. Coronation....the lemming I had on my list FOREVER! And then it was re-released and my #1 lemmings as attained. :) It's absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Yay! I am so glad they did re-release it, it's such a pretty polish <3

  3. What stunners. I can see why people loved Coronation so much. And Cirque makes great long lasting polishes. Your new pink and purple sidebar is so pretty.

  4. I really like how your background soft colors set off the polishes.

  5. I like the simple and easy to navigate blog design and layout

    1. Thank you, I did try and make it as minimalistic as possible <3

  6. Congrats on scoring the ones you wanted! You chose well, these are both gorgeous.

    1. Thanks hun, I was literally ready to check out 2 minutes after they were posted lol x

  7. These are both lovely! I need to try one of their polishes!

    1. Thank you hun, the ones I've tried so far have been really nice x

  8. Oh my God..!! These are terrific.. Absolutely stunning...

  9. Pretty swatches. I miss the old label tho.

    1. Thank you hun, I have to agree I did prefer the old branding <3

  10. Coronation is such a perfect color! I love the shimmery trend that's been happening.

    1. Me too, there are so many unique shimmers coming out at the moment <3

  11. Oh man. Coronation really is an incredible polish.

  12. I absolutely LOVE the look of Rioja!

    1. It is a really pretty red, don't have anything else quite like it <3


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