Glisten & Glow: All Dressed Up Duo

Welcome back my lovelies, I hope you have all had a really nice week. Unfortunately my house has succumbed to that horrible cold that is going around, so myself, Lexi and Jamie have been dosing ourselves up and trying to keep warm. As I have been feeling pretty rough I haven't managed to get a lot done this week. I do however have these gorgeous creme polishes from Glisten & Glow to share with you. 

Recently the American indie Glisten & Glow had an offer which included free worldwide shipping, I couldn't not take advantage of this offer. Among the products I ordered I wanted to try her black and white creme, and I can tell you now I was not left disappointed. 

Wedding Gown White

First up is the white creme 'Wedding Gown White' I was really impressed with this white, it took 2 coats to be opaque. The formula was so easy to apply and it also stamps really nicely too, definitely a white I would recommend. 

Little Black Dress

The black creme was no disappointment either, 'Little Black Dress' is a gorgeous black creme. It was fully opaque in just 1 coat and also stamps really nicely. 

Overall I would definitely recommend this black and white creme, they are beautiful to apply and extremely opaque. After trying these cremes I am definitely going to try and pick some more of her cremes in the future. Wedding gown white is available now from Rainbow Connection for £7.50, I believe Little Black Dress is sold out at the moment but may be restocked soon.

I would love to know if you have any other recommendations on what creme I should pick up from Glisten & Glow next?? Let me know down in the comments. 

As always I hope you enjoyed this post and I will chat to you all again soon.


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