Little Fudges Beauty Shop: Batman Rogues Gallery Part 2

Welcome back my lovelies, I hope this week is going well for you. I am disaster central here, literally walking around can cause me major damage LOL. I have some how twisted the ligaments around my knee so walking has been a slight pain in the bum. But that has meant sitting down and swatching has been pretty much all I could do so I have some more Batman Rogues Gallery polishes to show you. Today's three beauties are from UK indie Little Fudges Beauty Shop, read on to find out more...

This time we have three of the main villains from the Batman universe, and two of my all time favourites. I of course am talking about Harley Quinn and Joker, and joining them is the awesome Mr Freeze. Nikki has done a really great job at turning these awesome bad guys into polishes. 

Ice To See You

First up is the very beautiful 'Ice To See You' this is a grey toned pale blue with holo, UCC flakies and fine blue glitters. This was fully opaque in 3 coats and a really lovely formula to work with. This polish is for the very cool villain Mr Freeze also known as Victor Fries, he is a big villain but everything he does is to cure his very sick wife 'Nora' who has been put on ice (literally) to give him to to find a cure. 

Hey Puddin'

Next up is my favourite character from the entire DC Universe, the kooky and lovable Harley Quinn. 'Hey Puddin' is a red jelly with fine holographic glitter and black diamonds, this was fully opaque in 2 coats. You do need to do some fishing for those larger glitters but they definitely make this polish perfect for the character of Harley. 

Here's Looking At You Bats

The final polish from Little Fudges Beauty Shop is 'Here's Looking At You Bats' this is a light violet jelly with green hex glitters and fine lime glitter. I did try this on its own but it definitely looks better as a topper over a dark purple polish, those green glitters really pop and that's just 1 coat. This polish is for the baddest and craziest villain in the whole of the DC universe, the Joker. 

Overall I feel Nikki did a fantastic job with these three, she really made each character come alive in polish form. Little Fudges Beauty Shop is another fabulous UK indie, all of her polishes are 5 free, cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. This trio will be released to the public soon for £17.50 (10ml) and £13 (5ml), if your a Batman fan then I highly suggest picking these up. 

I really hope you enjoyed this post and are enjoying the Rogues Gallery polishes as much as I am, the final trio will be up soon from Vegan Beauty Cosmetics.


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