The Digit-al Dozen Does Mythical Creatures: Day 1

Welcome back my lovelies, I hope you have all had a nice weekend. I had my usual Sunday roast dinner at my Nan's which was the perfect way to finish off a relaxing weekend. Today's post is the first manicure for this months Digit-al Dozen theme. This month we are doing Mythical Creatures, so be prepared for lots of magical and mythical mani's this week. Let's see which creature I chose for day one, read on to find out more...

I just had to kick this week off with Unicorns, out of all the mythical creatures out there this is probably the one I wish was real. 

For this mani I used Uber Chic Beauty Unicorn Love, this plate has so many pretty unicorn images to choose from. I decided to use 3 different polishes from Esmaltes Da Kelly to create a gradient stamped image. I then had the quote 'Be Yourself Unless You Can Be A Unicorn' as an accent nail on my ring finger. 

I was really pleased with how this one turned out, I would love to know which Mythical Creature you would have chosen? Let me know down in the comments. 

The In-Linkz for all the other ladies mani's is down below, make sure you check out what they have done for this prompt. 

I hope to see you back here tomorrow for my next mythical creature post. 


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