The Digit-al Dozen Does Mythical Creatures: Day 2

Welcome back my lovelies, I hope you all had a really nice day yesterday. I am back again today for my next instalment of this months Digit-al Dozen nail art challenge. Read on to see how I created this mani...

Now I am not quite sure if Aliens count as a Mythical creature but I fell in love with this little guy so I had to share him with you. 

To crate this mani I had to do some free hand work as I don't have an alien stamping image in my collection. To be honest I was quite shocked considering how many plates I own LOL, To create the aliens head I did stamp an oval image from Lina Nail Art Supplies Feeling Shapely 09 and then used a striping brush to draw his antenna. For his eyes I used two different sized dotting tools. I then finished all the other nails off using Bundle Monster + Kelli Marissa BM-XL213 for the starts and planets. 

Like I said I am not sure if Aliens count but he was too cute to not post, really hope you like it my free hand still needs a lot of work as you can see. 

All of the other ladies mani's for day 2 are linked down below, make sure you check them out.

I really hope you liked this mani, and I hope to see you back here tomorrow for Day 3.


  1. I love this! I never thought of aliens!

  2. An alien this cute absolutely counts! Love this. :)

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  6. I was so excited to try this stamping design because it's a lot of fun and I had a lot of free hand work to do. I started off by painting my nails with coursework service two coats of black nail polish and then added a coat of clear top coat. Once that was dry, I used my green gradient stamping polish to stamp the alien over my black nail polish. I then added a layer of white acrylic paint, let it dry, and then used the same green gradient stamping polish to stamp the alien over the white acrylic paint. I then used my green gradient stamping polish to stamp the alien over the green acrylic paint and finally used my black nail polish to add a little bit of detail.

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