Moo Moo's Signatures: Shimmer Polishes

Welcome back my lovely readers, I hope this week is going well for you so far. All is quiet in the Fairytale house at the moment; Lexi has her first parents evening coming up next week so I'm looking forward to hearing about how she is getting on. So for today's post I have some gorgeous shimmery polishes from Moo Moo's Signatures to share with you, read on to find out more...

I have been a really big fan of this brand for quite some time now, and when I saw these beautiful shimmery polishes I knew I should pick them up. I can tell you I was not left disappointed these are some really nice shimmer filled polishes.

Mutant Love

First up is by far my favourite out of the four that I have to show you, this is Mutant Love. A stunning deep purple with a strong pink shimmer, fully opaque in 2 coats and really lovely to apply. As you all know I'm a huge fan of both pink and purples and when they get together it makes a heavenly combination. 

Macaroon Moon

The second polish is this gorgeous ethereal looking colour called Macaroon Moon, it is a lovely light blue with intense green to turquoise shimmer. This reached full opacity in 2 coats and was another lovely formula to apply. 

Wild Crocodile 

The third polish is really unique and a very beautiful edition to my collection, this is 'Wild Crocodile'. A stunning olive green linear holographic with red to copper shimmer, fully opaque in 2 coats and a really nice formula. If I could think of crocodile skin and translate it into a polish then this would definitely be it. 

Glowing Artic Wolf

The final polish is another unique colour, this is Glowing Artic Wolf a stunning purple taupe with blue shimmer. This was another polish with a beautiful formula and was fully opaque in 2 coats. 

Overall four really beautiful polishes that are lovely to apply, and if you add a matte top coat they are taken to a completely new level. I have really been highly impressed with Moo Moo's Signatures shimmers, they really do know how to make them amazingly well. 

I purchased all of these beauties from the love Alex at Nail Artisan, she is the UK supplier for Moo Moo's Signatures

Which of these beauties would you pick up? Let me know down in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you back here soon with some more nail goodness. 


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