The Digit-al Dozen Does Stamping Week: Day 4

Welcome back my lovelies, I am suffering from a really bad migraine today. So this is only going to be a short post, today is day 4 of the Digit-al Dozen does stamping and I am carrying on spreading my Irish pride. Read on to find out more...

I used the double stamping technique again for this look, and I used Painted Polish Here To Paddy as my base.

For the Irish flag I used two Esmaltes Da Kelly Soap Bubbles jelly polishes and then made a white home made white jelly with a white creme and clear polish. 

Then for my ring and pinkie nail I used two images from Moyou London Festive 21, this is a really pretty plate with plenty of images for St Patrick's Day. I stamped using Esmaltes Da Kelly Dolly and Painted Polish Shamrock Your World. 

I liked how this one turned out although I wished I had added more clear polish to the white for the flag, so it would have been less opaque. Make sure you go check out everyone else's mani's and give them lots of love. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post, and I will see you all back here tomorrow for my final stamping mani. 


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