Digit-al Dozen Does Inspired By Each Other: Day 3

Half way through the week all ready it just seems to be flying by, I have my third Digit-al Dozen Inspired By Each Other mani. Read on to find out who inspired me for today...

For my third mani I chose a mani from Copycat Claws, I am always totally blown away by the gorgeous mani's that Serene comes up with. 

There were loads of mani's I would have liked to recreate but because I am wanting to improve my gradient skills I chose this beautiful floral image. 

So as I mentioned for the base I used the same gradient that Serene used, this was done using the Pastel Pet Names from Pretty Serious. 

Base Gradient: Bunny Foo, Little Duckling, Peachie Poo, Fluffykins, Cutie Patootie and Doodle Bug
Stamping: Lina Nail Art Supplies Totally Negative 02

Again I did not do this anywhere near as well as the original but I did love having this on my nails and got quite a few compliments from the family :D 

All of the other mani's from the awesome ladies in the group are linked below. 

I hope you have been enjoying this week so far, just two more mani's to go. Hope to see you back here tomorrow. 


  1. It's so pretty! And shush, yours is better than mine! Your colours look more vibrant and I love bright colours!


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