Beauty Big Bang: Water Decals

*Press Sample*
Welcome back everyone, it has been a very hot week here in the UK and let's just say god I wish I was by the sea. A sea breeze would be lovely right now, but unfortunately all we have is humidity and scorching hot sun. So nails haven't been the easiest to do but today I have some beautiful water decals to show you from Beauty Big Bang. Read on to find out more...

Thank you to the awesome people at Beauty Big Bang for sending me these lovely water decals to share with you guys.

First up are these beautiful ice cream water decals, to use these you apply your base colour and then soak the decal in water for 15 seconds. I then placed this on my stamper and this helped me to apply the decal onto my nail without having the issue of creasing when applied. (SKU: J6469TM)

Another set they sent me is this fun tropical themed decals, who doesn't love the combination of pineapples and flamingos. I applied this the same way as the first set and because these water decals have a clear back you can combine them with any base polish. (SKU: J6465TM)

The third set have some extremely cute unicorn designs, I paired these with the Unicorn stamping plate they have available now.  (SKU: J6471TM)

For the final mani I used this gorgeous polish from Danglefoot as my base and paired this with some really cute under the sea decals. Within this set they also have beach themed decals that will be perfect for this Summer. (SKU: J6467TM)

I really liked working with these decals because of their clear backs they can be paired with any type of polish as a base or even a gradient. All of these are available now from Beauty Big Bang all of the sets are priced between £1.21 and £1.82. Don't forget to use my discount code Fairy10 for 10% off your order.

Really hope you enjoyed this post and another big thank you to Beauty Big Bang for sending me these to review. See you all back here soon, lots more to share with you. 


  1. Brilliant idea to apply with your stamper! I too often get wrinkles in water decals and have to either attempt to pull them off for a second try or wince every time I look at my manicure.

    1. I found applying with the stamper was definitely a good way to go, a lot easier than any other method I’ve tried before <3


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