Digit-al Dozen Does White: Day 2

Welcome back everyone, well one day down and four more to go. As you probably can guess today's post is day 2 for this months Digit-al Dozen does White. Read on to find out how I created today's mani...

So for today's mani I went with what I am craving right now, Ice Cream! As some of you may know I am currently doing the slimming world diet and sweet treats are on the no go list. 

For the base polish on my pointer, middle and ring finger I used Pretty Serious 'Peachie Poo' a pastel peach creme that is fully opaque in 2 coats. This was from the recently released Pastel Pet Names Part 2, I will have a full review for this collection posted soon. 

The stamping plate I used to create this ice cream look was What's Up Nails B007, this plate is fully of plenty of fun sweet treats you can use for a nail design. The images all stamp really well and pick up all those delicate details. 

Really looking forward to seeing all the other ladies day 2 mani's, they are in the In-linkz down below. 

I hope you enjoyed today's mani and post and I will see you back here again tomorrow for another 'White' nail art look. 


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