A England: August Gem's of the Month

Welcome back everyone, I hope your week has been going well for you Lexi is back at school so I have been loving having a little alone time LOL. For today I have two gorgeous A England polishes to show you, read on to find out more...

These beautiful polishes were A England's Gems of the Month for August, this means you get two really pretty polishes for just £8. Let's take a look at what shades were chosen for August.


The first polish is 'Tristam' this is a stunning midnight sky blue holo, shown in my pics is 2 coats plus glossy top coat. This was extremely close to being a 1 coater, and I found it can also be used for stamping. This gorgeous polish is named after A England's creators cat, and was used as the gem for August as he turned 7 years old. 

Carnation Lily Lily Rose

The second polish from August's Gem of the Month is 'Carnation Lily Lily Rose' this is a stunning silver linear holographic with a lavender shimmer. Shown in my pics is 2 coats plus glossy top coat, formula was easy to work with and applied really nicely to the nail. 

Overall this duo was a really nice, I loved the juxtaposition of getting a dark and light polish. The formula for both polishes were lovely to work with. I don't think there is any A England polish I own that I haven't been happy with. They are a really lovely UK brand and when you grab a deal like this it just makes it even better. 

Each month A England release the Gem's of the Month, August's are no longer available but keep your eyes peeled to see which ones will be available in September. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, which one of these is your favourite? Mine is definitely Tristam. I am really getting into my darker polishes now that we are in Autumn. 

See you back here soon, I have some beautiful Polish Pick Up polishes to show you. Have a great weekend my lovelies.


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