Digit-al Dozen Does Recreating Your First Blog Post: Day 1

Welcome back my lovelies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This week is another Digit-al Dozen week and this time we are all recreating our first blog posts. Read on to find out more...

When I first started up this little blog I didn't do much nail art on here, it was mainly posted on my Instagram. So I have chosen some of my really early designs to recreate and in some cases revitalise. It's always nice seeing how far we have managed to come, and I am really proud of the steps i've managed to take with my nail art and photography. 

Please excuse the awful cuticles and application, the difference between the two is amazing to me. I love seeing how far I have managed to come, obviously there is still more improvement that I can make but I'm definitely pleased with the progress. 

The only change I made from the original mani is that I didn't stamp the striped onto my ring finger, I left that as just a golden anchor on top of the red base. 

I would love to know what your thoughts are?? Let me know down in the comments. As always all the other ladies awesome mani's will be linked in the In-Linkz down below. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and I see you back here tomorrow for Day 2 of this months Digit-al Dozen. 


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