Painted Polish: You're A Gem Quartet

Welcome back my lovely fairies, I am so sorry for the lack of content over here lately. Time seems to be getting away from me, but I am super determined to get back on track and start bringing you some pretty nail goodness this month. Now that we are in December I am digging all of those deep sultry colours. Among some of the latest releases from Painted Polish were the 'You're A Gem Quartet', so if you love those pretty gem toned colours read on to find out more...

This beautiful quartet was released along with Lexi's Halloween collection, and of course me being a huge Painted Polish fan I had to have them all. Let's take a closer look at these beautiful pretties.

Savage In Sapphire

First up we have the gorgeous 'Savage in Sapphire' a sapphire blue jelly with nude holographic micro glitter. This swatch is 2 coats plus glossy top coat. I had no issues with staining and the formula was really nice to apply. 

Rebel in Ruby 

The second beauty is 'Rebel in Ruby' a stunning ruby red jelly base filled with nude holographic micro glitter. This was so close to being a 1 coater, but that second coat just deepens the base slightly. This is probably the perfect red polish for Christmas, and definitely one of my favourites out of the four. 

Electric in Emerald  

If you are a lover of green then 'Electric in Emerald' is a must have for you. This is a emerald green ultra holographic with added silver holographic to just make it sparkle off your nails. This took 2 coats plus a glossy top coat. It's definitely another great polish for Christmas time. 

Fierce In Facets  

The final polish from the Quartet is 'Fierce in Facets' a beautiful bright violet jelly base with hot pink micro glitter and multi-chrome flakies. This built up really nicely in 2 coats and those flakies give this a gorgeous shining from within look. This is by far my favourite from the entire collection. 

Overall another fabulous collection from Painted Polish, each one is really unique to my collection and are perfect polishes to wear for this time of year. Formula for all four polishes was really easy to apply and I had no issues with removal or staining. 

I picked these beauties up from UK supplier Rainbow Connection for £10.50 except for Fierce in Facets which is priced at £12.50. At this time they only have Fierce in Facets and Rebel in Ruby in stock but fingers crossed the other two will be restocked shortly. 

I will leave links to Painted Polish website and their social media down below so you can check them out and keep up to date on all new releases.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and I would love to know which out of the four is your favourite?? Let me know in the comments. Also I would love to know what you would like to see swatched or reviewed on here in the upcoming future, any any ideas much appreciated. 

As always have a fabulous day my little fairies and I will chat to you all again soon. 


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