Updating My Collection and Set Up

Welcome back my lovely fairies; it has been far too long! As i'm sure you are all aware I had my second daughter and since then things have just been crazy not just for myself but worldwide. We won't speak about that horrible C word instead I wanted to give you a nice little catch up on where I am nail wise and what plans I have now that I'm starting to blog again. 

I thought we would kick things off with an updated version of my collection and desk set up. Last time I did this I was living in my small flat with limited room for where I could store my polishes, now I'm happy to say we have a nice 3 bed house with lots of room for the girls toys and my bottle babies. I also have a desk and designated area for doing my nails and taking my pictures.

My desk is in a little alcove in my dining room, I have a nice small desk to paint my nails and take my pictures. I have all my stamping polishes up on a shelf in front of me so they are easy to access and those cute Esmaltes Da Kelly polishes look super cute all together. I also have my gel lamp and all my nail tools next to my bliss kiss nail mat. For my pictures at the moment I am using two desk lamps with a day light bulb and my long LED strip light. My Ottlite which I've been using for about 3 years unfortunately bit the dust not long ago. 

The main bulk of my collection lives upstairs, I have now expanded to three helmers from Ikea and the baskets on the top are full of recently destashed polishes which I am hoping to sell on the UK facebook nail group. Each helmer is split into 3 categories, the first is my mainstream polishes and my gels. The second is all my worldwide indies and then the third is for all my beloved UK indies. Thankfully there is plenty more room to add some newbies to the collection in the future hehe. 

Let us kick things off with the mainstream and gel polish helmer first, I have definitely cut back on my mainstream polishes. The majority of my collection definitely consists of indies these days but I really do love some of the stuff that comes from the mainstream brands still. So the first draw is full of those pretty China Glazes then we have OPI's and finally a mismatch of Color Club, Orly and Barry M polishes. The final draw in the first helmer is dedicated to my gel polishes most of which are from Kiki London.

The next draws are full of those delicious unique indies, I have one and a half draws packed full of my favourite brand Painted Polish. These are by far my faves as she is always coming out with such unique polishes and those crellies are my kryptonite. We then go on to have lots of polishes from lots of different brands including KB Shimmer, Cupcake polish, Glam Polish, Glisten & Glow, Nailed It Lacquer, Moo Moo's Signatures and so many more awesome brands. I really am quite happy with how I have quite a good mix match of colours and finishes. 

Then finally we have those gorgeous UK indies, my A England collection is coming along quite nicely especially with the awesome Gems of the Month duo they do. I then have all my beautiful danglies from Danglefoot nail polish and plenty of room to get more. The next draw has multiple brands all of which are made here in the UK, and then my final draw is for those stunning Wikkid polishes. Her neon cremes are to die for and none of them need a white base coat.

The final thing I have to show you is my rainbow tower of gorgeous nail art supplies, this holds all my stamping plates and glitters. I got this not long ago from Amazon and it was definitely a great purchase to help organise all my plates as I am sure you can see I have quite a few these days. A great mixture of brands and plenty of images to help me create some pretty mani's. 

So there we have it an updated my collection post, I hope you enjoyed looking into my cave of wonders. Any questions feel free to ask :) 

So now that we are up and running again hopefully we can keep this momentum going. I'm not going to set a schedule so will just be posting when I can, as i'm sure you will understand can't really tell when i'll have the time with the two looney toons running around. Don't forget to check out my Instagram where I have been posting in my absence. 

Happy to be back and hope you are all staying safe. See you in the next one my lovelies.


  1. Looks good :-D I am going onto my 8th Helmer! We have a 3 bedroom house...our bedroom, kiddo's bedroom and my nail polish room! I organise mine by brand. He was moaning because he wanted a mancave haha! But the nail polish room existed before he was on the scene ;-)

    Don't have Insta or I'd follow you.

    1. That sounds amazing I would love to have a little manicave. I don't blame you my boyfriend is taking over the house with guitars atm lol 8 helmers sounds like heaven 😍😍


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