A England: Gem Of The Month August 2020

 Hello my lovely fairies; I hope you are all having a pleasant day. Sorry for the lack of posts my littlest one was really poorly last week so not much was done. This has then lead to her eczema flaring up which is very uncomfortable for her, trying to tell a 9 month old not to scratch is like talking to a brick wall. But on the plus side I do have these beautiful A England polishes to share with you today for a bargain price too, read on to find out more...

For quite a while now the lovely British brand A England has been doing a special duo each month which they call their Gem of the Month. Two polishes are picked from various collections and sold for £10 plus postage. Each month is a different shade combination and its a fab way to try the brand if you haven't already or just to add more beauties to your growing collection. Let's have a look at the polishes featured for August. 

Dancing with Nureyev

'Dancing with Nureyev' is a gorgeous steel blue linear holographic with a bright blue shimmer. This is absaloutly gorgeous on the nail and that shimmer translates beautifully from the bottle. Shown is 2 coats plus a glossy top coat. 


'Lenore' is another beautiful shade this is a deep plum purple scattered holographic. Shown is 2 coats plus a glossy top coat, but could easily just get away with 1.

Formula on both of these was really lovely to work with nice and smooth and self levelled nicely. I have always found A England's formula to be really nice each time and i'm never left disappointed by the colours you really do get what you see in the bottle. 

So how can you get your hand on these beauties, head over to the A England website now and pick these two gorgeous polishes up now for £10 plus postage. Keep your eyes peeled at their Instagram pages at the beginning of each month to see what duo is available. 

I would love to know your thoughts on these polishes??? Have you tried any A Englands?? Let me know in the comments. 

See you in the next post my lovelies, and hope you are all well and staying safe.


  1. These are both gorgeous. Happy to have them in my collection <3

    1. Definitely great ones to have I think dancing with Nureyuv has to be my fave <3


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