Uber Chic Beauty Holiday 2019 Holo's

Hello my lovely fairies I hope your week has been going well it's been hectic here with the Summer holidays and a about to crawl little one. Soon I don't think I will be keeping up with either of them. So for today I have some beautiful polishes from Uber Chic Beauty to share with you, I got these quite a while ago and so glad I finally managed to try them. Read on to find out more...

These beautiful polishes were released just before Christmas last year, they were limited edition so unfortunately aren't easy to get a hold of. However Nail Artisan do have some in stock so grab them while you can, they also have some new holo's out for Summer which are available now. 

First Snow

'First Snow' is a beautiful denim blue with a scattered holographic and pink to purple shift. Formula was easy to work with and applied nicely. Shown is 2 coats plus a glossy top coat. 

Meet Me Under The Mistletoe

'Meet Me Under The Mistletoe' is a gorgeous bright pink with scattered holographic and a purple to blue shimmer. Again formula was really nice and shown is 3 coats plus a glossy top coat. This is probably my favourite out of the three I have to show you I am a huge sucker for pinks. 

Snow Place Like Home

'Snow Place Like Home' is a stunning bright purple with scattered holographic and a blue shimmer. Shown is 2 coats and it was another easy to apply polish.

Overall I am super impressed with these polishes they applied really nicely and the shimmer in each translated really nicely to the nail. The one thing i will note is that they did have a bit of a stronger smell than what i'm used to it wasn't enough to make me feel poorly or headachey but it was a bit stronger than other polishes I've used. 

I would love to know which of these pretty polishes is your favourite??? Let me know down in the comments. 

Hope you have enjoyed this post my lovelies and I will be back soon with plenty more to share with you. 


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