Glisten & Glow Monthly Mystery Crellies

 Hello my lovely fairies; I hope you're all staying safe and keeping well things have been oh so much here. We are back into the school routine and Izzy has three teeth coming in, so loss of sleep has definitely been a factor. Today I have some beautiful crelly polishes from Glisten & Glow to show you, read on to find out more...

Recently the beautiful Jill over at Glisten & Glow released some stunning monthly crellies, all of these have the same mix of glitters in a different colour jelly base. 

May 2020

'May 2020' is a beautiful soft purple crelly packed with varying sizes black and black holo glitter. Shown is 3 coats plus a glossy top coat. 

June 2020

'June 2020' is a gorgeous coral toned red with varying sized black and black holo glitters. Shown is 2 coats plus a glossy top coat. 

July 2020

'July 2020' is a bright blue crelly base with varying sized black and black holo glitters. Shown is 3 coats plus a glossy top coat. 

August 2020

'August 2020' is a beautiful teal crelly base with varying sized black and black holo glitters. Shown is 2 coats plus a glossy top coat. 

September 2020

'September 2020' is a stunning bright green crelly base with a variety of black and black holo glitters. Shown is 3 coats plus a glossy top coat. 

October 2020

'October 2020' is a pumpkin orange crelly base with various sized black and black holo glitters. Shown is 3 coats plus a glossy top coat. If you are looking for a perfect Halloween polish this would definitely be a great one to get your hands on. 

PPU Pink Gerbera Daisies

'Pink Gerbera Daisies' was released for February 2020 PPU I popped it in with this post because the over all mix is very similar to the mystery crellies released. It has a neon pink crelly base with various black and black holo glitters. Shown is 2 coats plus a glossy top coat. This is definitely a new favourite in my collection I love the mix of bright pinks and blacks. 

Overall some awesome crelly polishes from Glisten & Glow, each one has a really nice formula to work with not too thick or thin and applied nice and evenly on the nail. I picked these beauties up from UK distributor Rainbow Connection except from the PPU one. 

All of the monthly polishes are still available now on Rainbow Connection for £10 plus postage. They are also on the Glisten & Glow website for anyone not living in the UK.

Would love to know your thoughts on these pretty crellies?? Do you own any from Glisten & Glow?? Let me know down below. 

Hope you enjoyed today's post, stay safe my lovelies and chat again soon. 


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