A Certain Becca Lacquer Cuticle Oils

 Hello my lovely fairies; I hope you are all enjoying your week so far. It's been pretty crazy around here what with both girls having their birthday's, hard to believe my youngest is now 1 and oldest is 6. For today I have some beautiful cuticle oils to share from you. Read on to find out more...

Recently my amazing best friend Becca from A Certain Becca Nails has opened her own little business selling different scented cuticle oils. A Certain Becca Lacquer opened up about a month ago and let me tell you they are to die for, if you could drink these you would definitely want to (DON'T CONSUME LOL). All oils are hand blended and poured they contain a mixture of jojoba oils and argan oils all of which are highly moisturising and fabulous for nail growth and keeping those cuticles in good condition. 

Toasted Marshmallows

One of the recently released Autumn scents is Toasted Marshmallows, if your wanting your nails to smell like a beautiful campfire toasted marshmallow then this is the one for you.

Apple & Cinnamon

Definitely my favourite out of the bunch and another perfect scent for this time of year, apple and Cinnamon has a beautiful blend of both scents and doesn't come over too strong.

Baked Cookies

The final scent I have to show you for now has been a firm favourite among a lot of people including my daughter. This is baked cookies a gorgeous aroma of freshly baked cookies coming out of the oven.

All of these oils are available now, some of them will be kept in the core collection and others will be available seasonally. The oils soaks in nice and quickly on the skin and leaves no greasy residue, my advice would be to apply at least three times a day especially in this colder weather. All oils are available in a 10ml lipgloss applicator bottle or 10ml roller ball bottle for £4.50. There is also an option of a 30ml dropper bottle for £11. 

Right now she is also offering some very cute Christmas face masks for £6.50 which definitely come in handy for the way we are all living right now. She is also offering a Christmas trio of Gingerbread, Apple Pie and Christmas tree scents. 

All of these are available now from A Certain Becca Lacquer shop.

I would love to know your thoughts? Which scents will you be picking up? Let me know down in the comments. 

As always it would great chatting with you my lovelies, stay safe and see you back here soon.


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